I was actually going to make a real post about 2009... but haven't had a chance. This seems easier, anyway.
I think it's supposed to begin,
"In 2009, did you...?"
make new friends? Yes -- thank goodness. Several at the Lane and a few from other events and such.
get rid of old friends? I don't think so... I think I touched base with a lot of old friends, instead.
make a huge mistake? yes, not finding a better job.
get new shoes? a pair or two, maybe.
donate to a charity? jackie jones.
loose weight? yup! finally.
gain weight? overall, no.
graduate? only to the realm of ridiculous...
make a cake? :( i don't think i did.
go to a birthday party? yes, a few!
visit your grandparents? yup... not as much as i should have, though.
attend a funeral? i made it a mission of mine not to have to attend even one this past year. phew.
make cookies? don't think so... :(
send a letter? only via email. need to get better about that.
eat something rotten? hope not. but it's possible.
mow the lawn? nope (also a relief)
make a lot of money? definitely not...
kiss someone? oh yeah.
date someone? oh no :(
get a car? the year before!
ride a train? hmmm... nope.
travel to another country? i wish!
fail a class? no classes.
fail a test? see above.
go to a great concert? ani + ani + dave! can't remember the rest.
get a new piercing? def not.
get a new tattoo? don't have any.
cry because you missed someone? on quite a few occasions.
cry because you were physically hurt? only a little bit once, because of my back stuff.
dye your hair? i cut the shit out of it... but didn't dye it.
yell at a parent? a few times. but a lot less than in 2008.
attend a house party? our 2 housewarming parties! plus who knows what else.
get drunk? heavily. quite a few times.
sew something? no... i had to have valerie sew buttons back onto my almost-not-even-pants-anymore work pants.
get an ipod? nope.
get a laptop? another "i wish."
laugh til you cried? I'm sure. this happens with me.
get a bad grade on a paper? no classsssss
date one person all year? haha.
date 3+ people? i wish it were just 1+.
date 5+ people? No
date 10+ people? nooooooo
get a new pet? snow-bee! and i feel like sam/buster should count, but they don't really since i know they will leave when their daddy leaves. :( plus i never have to feed those bitches. haha. :)
eat lasagna? a few times at work. pretty tasty. this used to be my fav meal as a kid... wish my mom would make it sometime again.
drink hot chocolate? not often, but i do enjoy it.
eat at mcdonalds? oh yeah. cinnamelts.. or mcD breakfast on occasion...
order from pizza hut? i don't think so. it's totally changed. nothing like it was when we were kids.
stay up til sunrise? Often.
meet someone that changed your life? definitely. at least 3.
cheat on a boy/girlfriend? i'd have to have had one first.
lose something really important? yes indeedy.
pretend to be happy? at most of my tables...
try something and liked it? for sure... stuffed/baked artichoke...
go on vacation? ugh... i need one.
do something fun for your birthday? what DID i do?
fill out any important forms? just job app's.
loose a pet? yes, RIP miss fuzzy.
loose a best friend over something silly? I hope not.
make fun of someone? for sure. all the time @ work.
develop a crush on someone much older? only a sorta kinda crush. but he's only a few years older. and taken.
go to the movies a lot? only saw maybe 4-5 in 09.
attend a football game? nopes.
cry yourself to sleep? only a few times.
play an entire game of monopoly? unless you count the monopoly slots... i didn't even try! what a crappy ass game.
embarrass yourself in public? only when my pantz slipped off in the bar. just happens to be where i work. but whatever.
fall in love? mildly, i think.
get a gift you will keep forever? cliche, but some very cherished memories feel like gifts.
meet someone you will never forget? pretty sure. several.
kiss in the rain? weird. no.
make a snowman? was hoping for some snow last night, actually. but it wouldn't have been enough anyway.
have a snowball fight? negative.
have plans for valentine's day? fuck that day!
get pregnant? oh yeah. all the time.
run a mile? i'd be happy if i could say i walked one. well, maybe our lake walk is a mile... if so, then only a few times.
spend more money than you should have? weekly.
lost faith in someone? no
break a promise? i try not to do this.
break something expensive? my back?
break a heart? only the edible kind.
make a new years resolution? I didn't this time.
keep that resolution?
even remember that resolution?
figure out who your real friends are? no - just made more of them.
have to give something up? Not r
get in a car accident? i'd have been fit to be tied.
know someone who died? just kitties this year. reprieve.
go to the beach with your best friend? i don't think so. but wait, maybe. i don't know.
throw up? a few times.
cry over a boy/girl? not romantically... but yes.
cook a great meal? i don't think so. unless kraft counts. haha!
pretend to be sick? Not at all.
have the flu? don't know what i had.. huge ass fever once, though.
have swine flu? MAYBE! 103.6.
break a bone? nope... tho my back feels broken, seriously.
talk behind someones back? mostly in jest.
rearrange your room? yup... a few times.
move into a new house? yes! finally got out of my mom's in march!
go fishing? no
apologize for seriously screwing up? i don't think i screwed up anything too badly.
have the most fun you have ever had? there were some potential ties for 'most fun ever'...