Jul 26, 2004 20:20
damn walmart. but if its looking like they might have some nice furniture in their next line... well, nice for RTA. who knows what they'll pick up. but we sent them good lookin' stuff. so walmart has consumed my life. i spent too much of my sunday working on it.
but it gives me a chance to a somewhat relaxing week this week. redundant much? anywho. so now i can breathe a little bit.
i went to the doctor last week, and i'm okay. it was annoying to go though. i dunno why, i just didnt want to be bothered with it.
i'm tired.
grandpa shaw is doing well. we went over for dinner and he was spry as ever. gotta love him. thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers, it really makes me feel so much better. i love you! he had his stress test on monday and he did fine, so they will go ahead with the surgery and tests so hopefully we'll know more soon.
there was more, but i cant remember.
oh i cleaned my room saturday. remember last summer when i was obsessed with decorating it? and its still NEVER been completely put together? never hung the pictures. i dont think i'll be unpacked completely. I dont have boxes all over the house anymore, at least as much. i still have about 6 stacked in corners of my room. but i can see the floor. and i know whats in the boxes and where they are. so thats good. i really want my own place. and money. i have delusions of winning the lotter. that would be nice. i'd like to win 50K so then i'd take about half of that home after taxes. i could get a condo and new computer and have a decent savings. that would be nice.
ramble ramble ramble ramble.
thats enough out of me for today i think