I fully understand that entities on the internet have ways of finding things out about me that I would otherwise think impossible to find out. I don't know how they do it, but they seem to know where I am and what type of computer I'm on when I'm browsing around the web.
I was checking my web-based, no-name, meant for junk email earlier today and right as I was getting ready to leave the page, I saw a familiar face. It was Cosmo, the
BYU Cougar mascot.
They hooked me. I had to read the rest of the banner and find out why in the world our mascot was involved in some sort of online marketing stunt.
Luckily I was immune to their attack, but I just couldn't help but wonder how much else about me is known by people out on the internet. My email provider is nothing special. Sometimes I even wonder how in the world they know what they're doing with a web site.
I'm not going to go canceling my
Facebook Account or anything. I just wonder if there's a bit more coding research I could do to help get
WishCraze off the ground in a few more months ;)