Wow, I might actually get a decent night's sleep tonight. I did my homework and finished up
my major project today, and can still get to sleep around 1. I really have to break this sleep cycle.
Tomorrow, at 08:00, I am helping Dave set up for some kind of rally thing for Katie Giebel, who if you don't know is running for SG President. CSH Chairman Lucas Morris is running for RHA President. If you haven't voted yet, and don't have a burning desire to vote for two underhanded, fraudulent candidates, please vote for them
here, I can assure you they will do a good job.
Then it's off to work and class all day till 20:00. Where I will put the finishing touches on my project and have it approved at E-board at 22:00. After that, maybe The Old Toad, or some poker, or some drinking, or just watching a movie, who knows.
Oh, and you haven't already seen this site, the owner is most definitely going to hell