Feb 10, 2009 03:45
Oh no oh no oh no disaster - was playing with laptop whilst lying in bed, as is usual before sleep. said laptop then fell on my face giving my nose a decided wack. No blood or breakages but despite much icing and rubbing (I read that it prevents bruising or something???) there is a very definite change in shape. It doesn't look bad, yet. If you know the difference between my sister's nose and mine then you will know what my nose SHOULD look like, and what it currently looks like. None of this would be a problem if I didn't have an interview in about 36 hours time.... Please God don't let it bruise or I'll look like a right nasty piece of work. Also have a lecture with the EX and the ex-friend tomorrow, the latter of which always gives me a rather scornful once over as I walk in. The EX of course pays no attention, which is only right and proper and hopefully stays that way FOREVER. Not that I wouldn't enjoy blanking him (or kicking him in the face....). But a massive disfiguring nasal swelling tends to draw attention, and as I didn't quite manage to get to the reading for this week attention isn't really what I'm after. Oh dear. Prayers for EXTREMELY SPEEDY de-swellification would be appreciated. And yes mother I know that's not a word :p.