It's Been a Long Time - Update on Nerissa' s Life

Nov 26, 2005 22:20

The equation for the day:
Me + February 4th = Stockholm + Foo Fighters + Sweet-Sweet-Dave-Grohl-Love

I'm stoked, I've never seen them play before, it's exciting stuff.

I'm coming home in less than 3 weeks now. I miss my Seattle. I miss having days that are longer than a 8:20 sunrise and a 3:20 sunset. I miss having water that's 10 minutes away by foot. In short, I miss my state/country/family/friends/life back home. I don't know how fast the next 20 days will go and I don't even know if I want them to go fast or slow. Many of the people here who I've made friends with are not coming back next semester and I may never see them again in my life - weird to think like that but it's the truth. It's odd, I feel as though I just arrived here and now I'm just about to leave... I'm sure next semester will feel the same way and then BAM! I'm home for good - also not sure of what to think of that.

Monday I have a test for Contemporary USA and then I'm completely done with the class. I have one more presentation, test and paper left for Swedish Film and then that's done forever. Svenska II is rapidly coming to an end as well and I don't feel as my knowledge of the damn-language-my-mother-never-taught-me has increased at all. Oh well.

Being here has given me a greater appreciation for Western and it's quality of education. I miss the book learning it provides although I know that I have learned some amazing life lessons here. I know I have grown and I know that I am not the same person I was 16 weeks ago when I first stepped on the plane. I've made mistakes, I've misjudged things/people and I've spent too much time thinking about the future and not focusing on the now. The experience here has not been an easy one, it's been filled with tears and disappointments but at the same time it's been filled with joy, laughter and a vast amount of memories. I wouldn't trade this year for anything and I'm glad that I have next semester to put into use the lessons I have learned from this semester.

It'll be interesting to see how I feel about home after this. I have idolized it (along with friendships) quite a bit since I've been here, for better or worse. Sweden is beautiful and nice and wonderful but I don't feel as though it is truly home. I always thought this is where I was going to end up. But I am so excited to come back to Washington and explore every corner of it. I just realized that's okay. I've often described Sweden as my "Mecca." Muslims travel to Mecca before they die because it's part of their religion but then they return home. I guess I foretold how I would feel about Sweden before I even got here. This was something I needed to do for myself but I don't need to stay or feel bad/disappointed about not wanting to stay here.

Sorry I'm rambling, today has been a little hard on me, it's the darkness - it's getting to me :P
I will hopefully start writing more posts because I've been kinda lame.

"Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway." - John Wayne
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