Just a casual 'I'm Not Dead' message?

Sep 28, 2012 23:21

Hi, hello. I'm a jerk, is basically my only excuse. Real life got extremely hectic - between moving, starting a new job and my old laptop finally kicking the bucket, I dropped off the realm of the internet well and truly.

BUT! I have returned, with a shiny new computer, a kickass internet connection and an extreme desire to let go of my social life once more, so naturally that has drawn me back to the land of LJ.

If there's anyone still interested in interacting with Jane (muses are slowly being dusted off, I'm just starting with her and phasingpride for now, but other ones may come back into play soon) then feel free to give me a buzz! If people are still interested, I'd love to continue/reboot/renew lines with some of you guys.

I think that's about it. I'm forgetwhatyouknow on AIM now so message me there/comment here/whatever/whenever/etc.


that is all


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