
Aug 21, 2004 00:08

I've run 4 miles today.

Hey today it wasn't blazing hot outside! It was actually really nice, like 75 degrees. It felt cold compared to how it's supposed to be 100. What's up w/ OK's weather this year? It feels like October!
Anyways, I went to cross country after school. There are a lot of girls signed up this year... Monica was the 9th to sign up, and if Sarah decides to run, she'll be 10, and there's some freshman girl playing b/ball who might be the 11th. So since there's more than 7, we have to have a try-out type of thing to decide who's on V and JV. I don't want to be on JV. I was on varsity last year, so that would be strange to move down.

Okay. Hm.

Sarah just asked me "If I don't make varsity, then do I still have to run?" And I told her that if you decide to run cross country, then you run w/ whatever team you're on. Like you don't just quit b/c you didn't make varsity. Then she said she just didn't want to run by herself. I'm beginning to think that she's not very committed to this. I don't think that she should run unless she really wants to. It doesn't seem like she wants to right now- like when she asks me if she can quit if she doesn't make varsity, and how she didn't go to the first two practices for no apparent reason. So Sarah, I would just like you to know that I would very much like for you to run, but if you are not going to be committed to it, you should not.


I haven't gotten any email in days. =( How disappointing.

"oh yes and i like tiff too she is really funny and nice to me! she makes me want to be a better person..like you can be funny with out being perverted..."
I thought that was nice. Thanks, Malyri!

I'm tired. No more energetic.

I think I'll go find my retainer, put it in my mouth, and go to bed.

Oh, by the way. Church Wednesday was super good.
I'll make a new post for that.

Wait. Today I told Colby to die. Sorry Colby. He yelled at me when I was running. He said something to the effect of "Run faster! We already ran twice as much as you! We could've lapped you!!". And, being in the happy mood I am always in as I'm trudging along in the mud, with my lungs on the verge of collapsing (okay I exaggerated a little.), I immediately responded w/ what seemed appropriate as a response for that comment. I said "DIE." with a grimace on my face (I'm not sure how to use that word yet, as I just learned it in english. The class, not the language. I don't think I had a grimace on my face now that I think about it. But I really wanted to use that word.), and then I went on my merry way. I don't like it when people talk to me while I run.
If you happen to read this, Colby- my apologies. Oh, and I apologize for the mean words after I got done running about um... killing you or something of that nature.
Yeah. Sorry.

Goodnight LiveJournal.
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