It turns out that there is an Agreement that is being negotiated behind closed doors that affects every person that uses the internet to transfer files, or share files like a podcast.
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is supposedly being written, according to supporters to counter-act the increase in the global trade of counterfeit goods and pirated materials. One of the stipulations of ACTA is that ISP's are forced to provide information about suspected individuals that may or may not have such materials without a warrant.
Not only are these dealings being made behind closed doors and in secrecy, but they aren't actually part of any international organization. So far 13 countries are all in on this, including the US. Britain is already witnessing the bill being passed through parliament.
To read more about this horrifying bill, follow the link:
If you are curious about the British version click the link:
We are on the verge of becoming a country that will have government censorship on the internet. It's frightening to think about. Big Brother really will be watching.