Hi friends! It's been an exagerated million years to me since I have last attempted to write anything down that isn't dance steps. As you know, we start rehearsals for "Sweet Charity" this month, and I would LOVE to go in and know every step right off the top of my head so that I can cut down on the wasted time of having to find the step, reinterpret what my writing meant, then teach it to everyone. If I knew what came when, we can spend more time perfecting the routines and have a very polished show for our hopefully sold out audiences.
I did want to take a moment with you and share a revelation that I had in the most unlikely of places.
You all know how I feel about my job, I mean I've said it so many times, that to say it once more is like that last grain of salt that makes an otherwise delicious meal taste bad. So I won't. Yesterday, we had our kick off meeting for 2010, and unlike last year where there were only 30 people in the living room of the founder's house, I was in the midst of 97 others wearing the same almost cool abstract looking graphic tee shirt. Here's what it looks like...
I placed a gum wrapper over the name of the company so I don't get into trouble. Although, if someone really wants to find it, I'm sure they will. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it though. While I am not someone who is big on company meetings, I will have to admit that this one flew by. That was astonishing to me. I had my revelation during the end of the meeting when our CEO and our Founder were giving the final address of the day. Throughout the day we shouted our "mantra" I am, We are...(company name) to BEP's Boom Boom Pow, and Queen's We Will Rock You. I had unintentionally let my mind wander because there was music playing in the background and in my current mindset, I keep thinking "dance, dance, dance." This in turn led me to drama, and theatre and everything else that could be coming down the pipeline if my future project pans out. Cross your fingers, kids. In any case, they kept coming back to the point that as a small company every single person is important because they contribute something some where, therefore they can literally say, I Am the product my company sells. One of the key points that made my mind whirl is that the CEO was saying that every person came into this meeting today in one state of mind or another, but with new knowledge comes a new state of being. She kept saying things like "I want you to stop for just a moment and think about what you know now, and what you will be. I want you to think 'I am'..." to which she started putting endings on it, like learn more of the focuses, or ask to for training in a new area of the company. Like I was saying before, my mind is not in that space right now, and I kept thinking more and more about setting up the new project and getting it running. To get the name out there, to build it up, and to give back to that community that helped to make be who I am today. I know that this is not going to sound like anything new to you, but for me with the new show starting, with an audition on Saturday, and with the new project, the room seemed to get brighter. Like someone turned on another set of lights somewhere. In my head the only words that were ringing out, clear as a bell were