(no subject)

Apr 29, 2008 08:53

 So, Steve inspired me to come back. After--count em-- 71 weeks. Yes.

It's really strange reading through all of my old posts. It's like reading the journal of a girl that I used to know, but that really isn't around all that often anymore. She was super happy and perky 24/7 about everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. What happened to that side of me? Where did it go? I mean, I'm still a generally happy person the majority of the time, but I will admit that I've allowed quite a bit of negativity creep into my thoughts.


What the heck do I have to complain about? Seriously? I finally figured out what I want to major in, and therefore this semester was the best one yet! I have some of the best friends in the world, too. When Amy and I decided to room together last year, I had no idea that God was placing just the girl I needed in my life. She's amazing. I learned a lot about what real friends are, and believe me guys, she's the embodiment of a real friend.

Another turning point of my year was joining Facedown. Not only have I had the opportunity to participate in some amazing worship, I also made two other great friends. I love Brittany to death. She's the sweetest girl ever. And Debra. I don't even know where to start with her. All I know is it's funny to look back over the past 2 years and see how God planted people in my life early freshman year, but it took some time for the friendship to grow into what it is now. I'm going to miss her a lot this summer. A lot a lot.

I hate to be that girl. You know, that girl who now turns the focus of her entire entry to her wonderful boyfriend and how awesome he is. So I'm not going to do it. I'm just going to say that I'm pretty happy with that area of life right now.

So now I find myself in Dead Week. And for the first time in my college career, it is an actual dead week! No tests. No papers. Nothing. Ahhhhh I love being a business major!

Summer is so close I can taste it. It's going to be a crazy fun summer, I think. And in all probability, waaaaay too short. It's going to be weird not seeing Suze at all. Still dealing with the mixed emotions about her getting comanche. Hmmmm.

Dang. I feel extremely self centered sitting here and writing all that. Funny to think that we all used to do this. And then read what eachother wrote. Ha ha ha. Oh highschool.

Love ya Steve! :)
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