Oct 06, 2004 18:23
i always push myself away from people. I never let anyone truely get close to me. Ive never let anyone in. I think thats why im happiest when im busy i dont have to spend time with people or actaully exisit. I can live and not live at the same time. Everything with me is surface level. What you see is what you get. Im not saying that there isnt something under the skin, cause there is there is a lively person that has so much to offer and give but no one knows that. Can anyone even really tell... answer these questions and see how well you know me.
1. Whats my type(realtionship wise)?
2. Whats my favorite movie(not just one of the ones i watch all the time)
3. Who was my last realtionship with?
4. How many realtionships have i been in?
5. What my ancestory?
6. Whats my favortie color?
Could you answer all 6 with a true affermative answer? Those are all basic questions... Im so tired of high school and i think its making me tired of everything. UGHHHH!!!