so now i gotta pay for my own phone bill oh well atleast my dad cant take away my phone now since i gotta pay for it getting a new one since my other got stolen..i think im getting this one,,,its a slider phone its got like mp3 and shit too so its pretty cool anyway...god i have so many things to do for school its stressing me out..and i cant quit my job cause i love it and the money i make..i cant get a lot of money from my parents anymore so im gonna have to be VERY independant for awhile with buying clothes and food and my own phone and shit..shit is messed up right now
but me and kurtys 8 months is really close. he got me these earing he ordered their the same as my necklace and real too and their heart shaped..i feel bad him buying me it...but i love him to dont even know..he can always make me smile...and i have never been treated better in my life..ill have a hard time at home and just go over to his house and its like all my worries and stress is gone..and i know and feel that he loves me back to so its a good feeling..i love that boy..i dont know what i would do without him.