Aug 08, 2003 14:06
i havent slept much lately.
but its okay because ive been having fun.
the beach bonfire didnt work out so well.
so we had another one last night.
at my mums.
it was an improvement.
even though two of my closest friends didnt show up.
they'll realize what they're losing soon.
today i have a lunch date with will.
then i need to pack.
and take film to the one hour photo.
and drive josh home.
and cry when i hug my dad goodbye.
and start my week long road trip to new york.
this is it.
today is the last day ill be in california.
and know people other than family, and friends.
leaving is kind of a test of who your real friends are.
who will keep in touch?
i havent even left yet,
and im already beginning to find out.
...this is me leaving.
goodbye california.