Mar 28, 2007 20:37
hi gorgeous, today was alright. i did a lot of thinking today, which made me realize a lot of new things. Lets See, Today: woke up to Jason calling me at like 7:30 didn't pick up, got up at like 12- watched tv with brit, got on the computer, made a special myspace hehe, took a shower, went tooo the mall. got really annoyed cause i was sitting in the car so brit could run up and get he schedule, ended up waiting for like an hour, because her work made her stay because their was a no call/no show. i was sooooooo annoyed, and these creepy guys kept stairing at me, and i looked like death, cause i was sick and wrapped up in a blankey. it was soooo awkward but whatever.
i talked too gen for a bit, and kristen, and chelsea. that was good [i miss my friends a lot] i've just had sooo much stuff going on lately and i've been in a bad mood and blaaaaah. its hard too pin-point whats been wrong with me but who knows. i feel like i have been shutting out my friends though and thats not what i want to do. I mean those are the people i have been through everything with. i dont even talk to hirsch anymore its crazyness.
anyways, after we got home, my mom gave me the credit card and i took brit out too dinner at chilis. Our waiter was sooo creepy. He was all like you girls 21, come on let me tell you the drink specials, he came back too our table like 100 times. And he had this creepy little perv laugh. hahaha whatta dork.
Then griff called and told me about his day and how he went shooting with the police station in tally. He is in this thing where he gets to train with the cops and dooo all this crazy stuff, for community service. He likes it a lot and has a lotta fun. He said he did really well at the shooting range, and told me he will take me soon and teach me <3 so thats going too be fun. im excited. He was at dinner with his friend Phil, haha weirdos. But i loveeee him a lot, i really really do.
i think im about to go take a bubble bath and relax, im going to try and go to bed early, so i can so well at school tomorrow. but im out loveee you a wholeee lots xoxo.