♥ i wanna taste you ♥

Aug 07, 2005 00:39

yeh soo my boyfriend came home on fridayyy!! i was sooo extremly happy.
we went to dinner and stuff && then i went too samantha's house go figureeeeeeee..

today (saturday) is me and griffins 9 months anniversary. wow that is suchhhhhhh a long time. ♥ dont you think? i sure in hell do.. and i wouldn't change it for anything

ok so i ran errands with kristen + danielle all day. went too the mall and got my nails done.. the lady who was doing my nails was so nice she did like all these extra things for me like put diamonds on them and stuff they look really good.

then i went to dinner with griffin at island chief YUMMYYYYY.. we had ALOT ALOT ALOT of funnnn today CRAZY NIGHT got home at like 12:30! kris sam and danielle were suppose too stay the night but since danielle could be out till 1:30 they decided to go there which by the way i think is fucked up and selfish but oh well girls will be girls... they no im pissed so whatever

only thing was danielle was being a bitch about it, basically because she thinks she is always rightttt whatever!!! and thats the only reason im still mad about it. sam and kristen were like yeah we knoe. we would be pissed too but of course theres always that oneeee...

besides that i had a really awesomeee time with my boyfriend [obviously the one and only person that will stay in my life forever] which by the way makes me extremly happy.just too let you guys no IM SOOOOO INCREDIBLY LUCKKY TOO HAVE MY BOYFRIENDDDD ♥♥

anyways, tomorrow is the last day of summer wich completely sucks the D..
ughh oh well this summer has been fun and i dont regret anything changes i made or anything i did or said.. so i guess i fell like the summer has accomplished something i was working on ♥

okay well im going to talk too griffin and then off too bed cuz im still sort of pissed of at my friends, but im sure everything will be okay in the morning

comment and make me happy before i go physco and pull a kristen :o)
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