May 12, 2006 00:27
I am home alone. My parents went to Mohegan to see Gretchen Wilson. My fav!! They are staying over night. Ryan just left. We saw united 93. It was good. I wish I wasnt so young when 911 happened because I didnt really have the maturity to understand the gravity of the situtation. I cried when I saw the actual footage of the trade centers going down, it was crazy to think that when it first happened I ddint feel anything, but now I do. I saw Ground Zero in 04 and it was really upsetting. I dont know.
Then we sat at my house for a little while and didnt see my brothers car so we thought he wasnt home. Come to find out he parked far down the driveway and he was sleeping. Jesus I am retarded. I get nervous staying home in my house. There are to many nooks and crannies and entrys to my house. When Cococa was alive I felt safer, he would bark at anything. Phoebe would lick who ever entered my hosue. My dad was suposed to get the alarm system set for when they leave, but he forgot. It would make me feel better if I could have an alarm set while I am here. Anyways.
I am going to go sleep. I am so tired. I failed that stupid extra credit thing, it was a waste of time. Now I have to spend the next few days studying for the final. I am almost done with this sesmter. Wed is the last day. Then I am relaxing until August. Hopefully a stress free summer. Then I get my associates degree in the winter. AMAZING.