Its now lunch time. I stopped and took some time to chat with the greeter on my way to receive my food. Although a plesant conversation, i couldnt help but notice a mechanical contraption attached to the lower potion of the being. Was this a tool they chose to get implanted in them to get more work done with half the effort? I gathered up what i could only consider as food and gave the funds to the poor soul trapped in yet another odd contraption. Unlike the device before, this one looked as if it was supposed to make the person stay in just one place and have things come to it from some long moving table top. The machine just kept feeding this person things that were, ultimately, just put into a bag and then prompted this stationary... thing to hit buttons. Its such an odd site. I started wondering, if i pulled this person free of this contraption... would it die? The food here is terrible. I only have time to waste now as i wait to resume work.
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