Im officially a father! And tired as hell. The surgery went fine and we now have Xander, an eight pound eleven ounce, twenty one inch boy. And adorable at that. Unfortunately im starting to get sick i belive so my time with xander is going to be limited soon it seems. Being in here the short time i have ive seen very healthy looking except on person who looked to be around 295 or more. It made the question come up in my head asking if it would be in the interest of the hospital coordinator to only hire healthy associates. I completely understand the equality process in hiring that forbids basing employment off of personal preference, but i would also find it hard to take his advice seriously if it involved me having to go on a strict healthy diet because if i dont ill die of diabetis. But of course its hard to take the advice of an skinny person telling me that constantly forcing myself to vomit after eating seriously as well, even though they may not even have that issue. WTF there is a cell phone limit!
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