I love Purva and Tushar. I don't think I could've asked for better bosses or people to work with and know, for that matter. They are two of the most genuinely nice people I've ever met. Today, while I was waiting for my dad to pick me up from work Carr and Purav stayed with me and we talked about all sorts of stuff, but what it came down to is that Purav doesn't mind helping his fellow man out if he needs it. Generosity and kindness in someone is such an attractive quality. And he makes me laugh. Go Coldstone!
I love working and being busy, and I think I've always been that way. Knowing that I've accomplished something or helped someone at the end of the day makes me feel good. I like doing homework, which sounds odd to say, but when I actually sit down and do it I don't mind. I love seeing people get excited when I tell them they can mix into their ice cream whatever they want. It's cute.
I still want to be a cover star. My latest favorite song is Hanson - Get up and Go. I've been warming up my singing voice, WATCH OUT. and also, I've been wanting to make someone a mix lately. Music is cool.
I miss my mom. Tonight I brought her home some ice cream, as well as sorbet for myself. It's strange how I called Scott and she got invited to Florida all in one day. Speaking of, Scott never called me back. I don't want to call him again because I don't want to be annoying. But I miss him, too. I miss his southern drawl.
'This is the first day of my Life' is a great song.