Jan 14, 2010 15:12
The future worries me greatly. Our leaders / governments have no vision. They follow Hitler and Brave New World (the book by Huxley).
I believe they will continue to mine and plunder this planet, Then they will destroy other planets. All the time getting sadistic pleasure from watching suffering, perhaps because they are incapable of feeling empathy i.e. a low form of Human, because they have never suffered, or known what it feels like.
I see vast arrays of concrete and glass skyscrapers, domino effects, and hardships ahead, with the people perpetually asking / wondering why such madness - shouldn't this place be wonderful? - why are we trapped in this hell-hole? - is there no escape? - no hope of a better life?
Yes, I care about how people feel, and I'd like to offer my services (click on my picture to find out more).
A happy future IS possible.
The future is something we shape. So specify clearly to leaders - let them know how you would like the world to be.