So we didn't get to pick up comics last week, because I worked 63 hours. So Nyahh.
But that means that this week just packs all the more kickass in a can, right? right?
Battlestar Galactica: Origins Issue 1. That's it. I'm not getting any more BG comics. They're 3.50 and all I do is stuff 'em in my long box. I'll pick up something cool instead. Someone better give me something worthwhile to read.
Cable & Deadpool Issue 48. Please, please, please, I need my Deadpool. Wade in Ms. Marvel's get up is a hoot, as is the end of Cable in Time and Space story line. Only two more issues before its over, though. And that's just sad.
Nova Issue 9. Ain't it Cool News blurb on the cover: "The best Marvel ongoing series of the year." Now normally, I would say that given the quality of Marvel lately, well, no big surprise. Which is true -- but also grossly misleading. I've said it many times around the campfire: everything offworld in the Marvel Universe is kicking ass. This issue is no exception.
She-Hulk Issue 24. Wait. What the hell's going on here? I'm so confused. The story is great, Peter David doing a Hulk is yummy. But, er, I guess I'm missing something about her Law Firm? Usually, a writer gets to throw a blindside for an issue or so before backing up and talking about what happened, but damn, its been three issues! Still, solid artwork miles above the guy they had before (and no, I'm not going to go look up his name).
The Walking Dead Issue 45. I guess its just the build up to Issue 50, but I'm not really feeling Walking Dead. The first 6 were such an amazing ride through the Zombie movie concept. Lately tho, I'm left wondering "What's the point?" What is the story that Kirkman is telling here, except that in the apocolypse, shit happens? I had this same feeling with Invincible around issues 24 - 36, or whenever the OmniMan arc began, but still, I'm not feeling much of a pull out here.
Wolverine Issue 60. Er, why am I reading this again?
X-Factor Issue 26. Messiah Complex: Chapter 7. Ugh. Note to Marvel: If you are going to have a massive crossover event taking several months to finish, at least by chapter 7 make it feel like the story is going somewhere? This is a larger problem with decompression: the fact of serialization leads to a 6 issue arc having 5 issues of buildup and the sixth issue of climax resolution and denoument. This is not. cool.
Battlestar Galactica: Origins Issue 1. That's -- oh. Finished the pile.
Here's a list of comics I'd love to read, if the creators / distributors / retailers would be so kind as to GIVE IT TO ME!
- PS-238. I may just go ahead any buy it twice. Once from akaihyo and then again whenever my retailer decides to get it for me.
- Thor. Was this cancelled? Is someone late? Am I missing issues (again?) My god, I was loving it. Someone tell me what's up.
- Goon. Its bimonthly, which always makes me panic before the next issue comes out. Its about time for another issue to come out, and I'm panicking that I'll miss it.
- Goon: China Town TPB. I want this. Mucho.
- Bleach: Has vol 21 come out yet?