Title: (Un)Delightful Treats
springmaidPairing: Ken/Hyuk
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 2,356 words
Summary: Working at an ice cream shop is anything but normal.
Notes: This probably doesn’t go with the prompt you asked for, but I tried. It was kind of tough, but it was the best I could do. Hopefully you enjoy it anyways.
Jaehwan hated work. )
Comments 6
Thanks for writing this! It's fine I can't even remember what I prompted anyway. :)
I read this last night and was wondering how lazy Jaehwan could be. lol must suck to work for an ice cream shop and be surrounded by children. Demanding children are meh, but yay for ice cream! Hakyeon sounds like the kind of guy who'd be voted as Employee of the Month every month. That kind of dedication oh how only few can pull~ Sanghyuk sounds genuinely cute here hehe.
Thanks for this!
i love the way you describe sanghyuk here, with his "face with a soft nose and brown hair and cheeks that seemed to fill up on its own" that is sO TRUE and a beautiful way of capturing his stupid face
jaehwan and sanghyuk sneaking out to buy chocolate syrup that is nothing close to the original i can just see that happening ;-; and hyuk low-key trying to flirt with him oMG how LAME BUT CUTE and jaehwan can't take it he's freaking out about it
there's nothing i don't like about this fic. nothing.
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