May 06, 2005 23:53
None of the following events have taken place in my life. This is not a true story.
“Just one more hit,” Addie screeched, feeling on top of the world. “No we’ve had enough; I’m not saying that because I don’t want to waste it, I’m saying it because you are killing yourself!” Stella precaution, convincing herself she wouldn’t let a bit of compressed air come out of that dreaded can.
“Alright, one more, and I’m done! No, uh, two, three hits each, and we are both done!”
With feelings of guilt, Stella hands the can over to Addie, who grabs it greedily, and places the nozzle into her mouth. The spraying sound delightfully stings Stella’s ears as she longs for more.
“Alright, alright! You’ve had four! Give me some.”
As Stella kisses the spout of which this addictive draft jets from, she thinks to herself, “Why am I doing this?” But that thought disappears into the murky atmosphere along with her brain and any sort of intelligence that she had previously had.
“Oh this is so great isn’t it? I love this stuff!” Addie proclaims as she cannot wait for the sweet, cold touch of the can to return to her hands.
“We are not safe. We need some one else here, like a friend.”
“No! Don’t get you mom!” Addie shrieks, her heart beating so fast, it is as if it is not even in existence anymore.
“No, not my mom. Like a mutual friend, somebody who cares for us, somebody to help us if we are in danger.” Stella wonders what she can do to make this possible.
Addie carelessly pushes aside Stella’s meaningless rants and begins to once again, take more hits.
“Whoa, everything is really crazy!” Stella says in an attempt to get her mind off of her craving of security.
Addie just stares at her blankly and drops to the floor laughing.
“Everything is echoing. I’m so warm.” Stella utters, as her words begin to slur. “I think I’m going to pass out…”
“What?” This calls Addie’s attention. She sits up from the floor as Stella drops down.
“Stella. Stella?” She inspects her best friend’s ghost white face. She shakes her. Stella does not respond. She begins to smack her face. “Stella!” She begins to cry.
She reaches for her pulse, nothing is there. Addie, not knowing what to do, shouts, “Don’t do this to me, I love you too much.”
But love couldn’t save Stella’s vague life.