(no subject)

Oct 02, 2006 18:59

I swear to god, my boobs are getting bigger by the day. Seriously, fuck off.

Right at this exact moment I am freezing and craving a 1/4 chicken dinner from Swiss Chalet. I guess I'll just have to settle for chicken nuggets with my own mashed potatoes and Swiss Chalet gravy from the grocery store.

Ben will be here Friday night, it'll be his first time in Toronto and also his first time on a plane. He says he's excited which makes me really hope I don't disappoint him. So far we're going to go to the CN tower and Much Music, Emily invited us for Thanksgiving dinner at her place on Sunday and I'm kinda hoping he'll be up for some Japanese at HoSu. I can't wait to show him off at work, my little brother, the University student! haha.

Boom Boom was on Saturday night, it was a lot of fun. Danced our asses off. I had one of Melissa's drinks which to me tasted like banana and orange peels, very bitter. It reminded me why I hate and don't drink, my $2 coke also tasted funky. It was a western theme so most of us were all decked out in our cowboy hats/boots and western-type shirts. Even though it was cold outside I was sweating like a pig (too bad I couldn't say horse or cow, that would fit better). And the most random meeting ever was afterwards while I was cooling off outside Nicole from Halifax was walking past and she stopped and we both kinda stared like, hey I know you. Mostly it was random because we'd never actually met in person before. This is why Toronto is so great. Hopefully we'll get to hang out soon. And Colleen I still haven't gotten to see you since you moved back! The 3 of us should go out to eat sometime.

Anyway that's all the news I have for now. I'm going to go do some dishes and eat. Night.

Beth * xox
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