May 12, 2009 15:21
Some musings on Moon.
Moon was the second card to come into existence. The first was Justice. She's always been scattered, her mind fragmented. It's the madness she inspires, the madness inspired in her, and that's all wrapped up with the creativity, intuition, and magic inside her.
She wanders the worlds, following various paths, but she gets lost a lot. During my hiatus, I marked her down as having become lost on the paths for about two years, maybe a little more. She does that. But, there are certain minds that give her anchor, focus her in a way.
The first to do that was Rabastan Lestrange. He still can, and when she spends time with him, she can be pretty lucid except for momentary smatterings of insanity. For the most part, he's a calming influence on her.
The second was Indiana Jones, and that was mainly because Indy didn't represent anything in her card. He was solid, sure, and practical.
The third is Jason Schuyler. I attribute this to Jason being one of the very, very few that accept Moon as she is. She's the moon. She's his mistress, his Lady. She is the most lucid with him. On the full moon, his need for her was able to tame the madness, and it unnerves her that he was able to do that. No one has ever done that to her. She tamed his beast, he tamed her madness.
As for what Moon can do... She's capable of forcing a shifting either way. She is the moon, holds dominion over magic, and she's able to bring out the beast or put it to sleep. She represent magic, so there are all manner of magical things she's able to do, though I don't define it because she's simply arcane. She's not used her magic much mainly because she doesn't think to. She has the ability to gift prophecy, and she is a mistress within dreams.
I tend to take from everything she represents, allowing for threading opportunities as they come along. She's a very versital puppet with a lot of potential, but she doesn't use it too much because she often forgets she has it.
Moon and relationships/sex. This has been something I've been pondering for years. I tried, initially, to play her as a character that could easily have sex. It... didn't work out so well. Moon is innocent. She really is. Even after having had sex, she's still very pure. She doesn't much like casual sex, which is why she tends to choose people who draw her in. She, like the other tarot cards, doesn't really have a sense of monogamy. It's a completely foreign concept to her. Love is love and sex is sex, and she understands that sex with other people does not negate love held for a lover.
As for love... I've always written it as Moon was incapable of falling in love. And then, one day, she uttered the story of the Broken Girl. She had been capable of love, but upon the mortal's death, the card literally went insane with grief. It upset the balance of things, and the tarot are all about balance. I've written it that the Major Arcana chose to bind away Moon's more intense emotions, the ones that allow for personal connection. She's had brief tastes through the sex she's had with Rabastan, Indy, and Jason, but the true depth of emotion has not been unlocked.
I do believe, however, it can be unlocked. The problem comes when someone unlocks it. Moon's love, I think, is an intense thing. She loves without judgment or recrimination. She doesn't feel jealousy (and she never will, it's simply not in her make-up to feel it). She is protective and possessive, but not in a confining manner. She doesn't fight (again, incapable), and even her ability to grow angry is muted. For a card that represents intense emotion, Moon doesn't possess much in the way of negative intense emotion. I chose to create her with the madness at the forefront. It would be difficult to write a character who simply swung madly from emotion to emotion. Moon is stable emotionally, and I prefer that, sacrificing her mental stability instead.
Mons and Mare are her guardians. They are actually a part of the artwork of the card, and I chose to make them extensions of Moon's being. They are as much her as she is them. They house her maturity, sense of balance, of well-being, of grounding. They make sure she dresses, changes her clothes, eats, sleeps, and remains relatively safe.
Can Moon have children? You know, I think if she put her mind to it, yes, she could. On the other hand, I don't think she'd make a very good mother. She's insane. I don't believe she'd enjoy pregnancy, I don't think she'd enjoy birth, and I don't believe she'd rear a child well.
She's strong. When she thinks about it, she can be as strong as she needs to be. Key is, she has to think about it. Moon heals remarkably fast. With a thought, she can heal completely. Again, the trick is thinking. If she doesn't think about it, she does still heal quickly, but not instantly. She can't die. She is immortal. She's an idea made flesh, and you can't kill an idea. Moon doesn't get sick. No colds, flus, plagues, or other unpleasant thing.
The idea existed long before the cards themselves did. Such things like Moon existed when the runes were young, when the Druids worshipped, and she's existed a very long time.
She, like the rest of the tarot, know everything. Everything that is, was, will be, and can be. They see all the paths, all the possibilities, all the choices. They don't, however, use this knowledge beyond the other mun's comfort, and they never tell anyone their direct future. It's against the Rules.
There are rules that govern the tarot. Moon follows them to the letter, just like all the other tarot.
* When a sentient is within another card's Sight, the other cards cannot directly interfere. This doesn't mean they don't indirectly offer help, guidance, or influence.
* They never speak in absolutes unless it is an unchangeable fact, and those are very, very few.
* The Major Arcana awake into existence, the minor arcana can be woken or created from other sentients.
She's not human. She never was. She never will be. She is an idea. Moon may have wants, desires, thoughts, feelings, relationships, and connections, but she is not human. She sees things through very, very different eyes. She understands motivations, accepts change, and doesn't rebel against the tide of time. Moon, like the other tarot, also subscribes to a much different set of morals, ethics, and internal standards than most humans do. She will say and do things without guile; she is bluntly honest since the truth very important to the tarot.