Apr 19, 2009 02:13
Blah, who needs grades? Who needs school? It's a stupid system anyway. (Never mind this, final grades are about to be determind on Friday so teachers all want to have something this week. Or at least on Tuesday and Wednesday. I hate having presentations >.< )
Anyway off to epic long commentary, that nobody reads anyway XD.
So 53 sub & 54 qicksubs are out. ♥ (Have acctually been for a while but I didn't have time to write all of this till now ^^°)
I'm shaking my head at all the people complaining and begging PrismWeapon to start his/her subs again. Sure, I watch and am grateful for quick subs too, but I'll still watch TNKP's release afterwards, because for fanfiction I'll like to have the most accurate translation possible and that're still TNKP's (but then again that's just personal policy).
Really everyone is curious, but get a grip people. There's still a life beyond the net and everything subbers, translators, scanlators, ect… do is voluntary. Complaining about them being to slow or flaming them is stupid, not to mention immature, and skipping over all those stupid comments annoyes me to no end (hence the short rant here).
Anyway 53-54 really left more questions then answers:
Hey Crow, weren't you injured?
It's highly amusing how Crow even thinks that he's sure about having at least two or three ribs broken, only to seem almost alright the episode afterwards. But hey, the way Yusei and Jack recovered from their crashes (even though they would have probably broken at least something in RW) makes complaing about that rather meaningless.
What is it with Bommer's village, PDD and the DSs?
Actually I still think it was PDD that blew the village up. In Season 1, they pretty much told us that it was whateve Godwin experimented went wrong in one big bang and resulting in Bommer wanting to take revenge. That Godwin is behind this, is supported by Jeager in 21 since he gets all nervous about it and Akutsu seems to be on whatever went on too, otherwise he wouldn't know the result of Momentum + overload.
So does that mean Godwin had another Momentum built in wherever in South America which blew up in his face? Demak seemed to have been onto that too. Sooo was Demak perhaps employed by PSMB? He's rather tanned too, so he might have been sot of the liaison between PSMB and South America. Perhaps he monitored the whole thing, was blown up with Bommer's village, blamed it on Godwin too and became a DS? Him becoming DS resulting in the peoples soul's becoming EBG-food? That would atleast give him some plausible backstory.
In the face of current spoilers; was it really the EBG that took control of Bommer?
I am sceptical about the EBG being the one taking control. Sure, we have the DS-Mark going in full-blown glow mode. But supposing that the title for Episode 58 isn't fake… and Dark King doesn't mean that Yusei goes oricalcosed/Haou/spiderraped (or whatever expression you fancy for brainwashed), there might be a real King of the underworld. Which would mean Rudger is not quite the final boss.
There are probably more pressing questions then this but for the sake of it…Who is that Random Security with mustache? In what relation does he stand to Yusei?
I suppose he must hold some position of importance within Security (Ushio's predecessor?). The way he smirked after "congratulating" Yusei makes me think that there's something else that went on. And Yusei said himself that he made the wrong decision back then. Conspiracy?
What happend between Kiryu declaring the start of "Last Duel" and him killing that Security?
I don't really dare to speculate about that one. Mostly because I hold high hopes that 55 has flashbacks of that. In preview Kiryu goes on about the trials one have to go through in Security. Although I'm curious how they would pack flashbacks + three Synchros + 1 Ccapac Apu (+ fixing Kiryu from being batshit crazy) in 20 mins… Either way, next week is going to be totally awesome
So much for those rambles… Next: Preview 56-59
According to those 56-57 is Yusei/Rudger rematch, with Rudger finally giving away some more info about ZR. Nevermind that this is the quickest rematch ever with just nine episodes in between but oh well. I always love getting more backstory.
Now 58-59 is where things get really intresting. By the way I'm shaking my head again (in amusment and sadness). This time at all the people complaining on how much these episodes are going to suck. We haven't seen anything on them exept for two lines of titel. Altough… I might as well stop ranting here because I'm analysing them even though all we have is the titels (go call me hypocrite if you want; I know it's true sometimes).
Anyway everybody is like 'omg Yusei is going Haou, this is becoming a bad ff DX' (and I'm thinking about taking offence here. I wrote one of those fics and although I may not think it my best work I still like it thnx XD) I cannot say much on that simply because I still have only watched bits of the GX and know nothing beyond the general story. Personally it get's me thinking of Doma-season (which I liked for my part even though I don't know of many others that did).
NOW… continuing with the speculation from up there: If there is a king of the Underworld that isn't Yusei, then I suppose Yusei will have to find a way out again. Seeing that before that Demak, Bommer and Kiryu lost as well, they should have ended up there too. Even if we ignore plotdeviceDS Demak, that still leaves Bommer and (presumably reformed) Kiryu to team up with.
Same goes if Yusei DOES go oricalcosed/Haou/spiderraped. It would probably be to soon to have another Kiryu/Yusei-match but what about Yusei/Bommer?
And 59. The Solidary Light: Perhaps (hopefully) finally 5th Signer? Will Rex make his move? Or is there actually a new chara coming into the show (Highly unlikely I think)? Anyway I look forward to this month.
Uff, now here you have the result of half a week speculating I did on the way to school and back, which leaves me with one last question to ask: Did anybody actually read all of this? XD
real life strikes back