
May 29, 2008 00:03

He ate it! The damned little rat ate it! I can't believe he'd sink that low, just to make my life hell! He's not even going to...

I have to...

It's disgusting! I wouldn't get near that brat's crap with a ten-foot pole! But if he won't retrieve the ring himself, I don't have a damned choice! Argh!

Damn, damn, DAMN!


If I ever catch a single one of you using my fiancée's name as a means of cursing ever again, I'll rip you to shreds! I don't care if you've grown accustomed to that during your tiny little mortal life! It's disrespectful and I won't stand for it anymore!

[[OOC: Hahah, yeah, he's really mad now. Because the mods never got back to me, I suppose there won't be an increase in thunder, or lightning striking trees or whatever. Oh well. Replies in the morning, because it's bedtime for me]]

mithos sucks, lost ring, do not want, yuan is not amused

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