14th Case - [accidental voice]/[action]

Sep 16, 2011 03:10

[It's been about three-four days since anyone has seen Naoto walking around the village since she was mallynapped but now she's back, in a way at least.  The girl who has returned is familiar to two people but to everyone else, say hello to a very mood-swingish and angry Naoto.  It doesn't help that she woke up not knowing which way to go, it's frustrating you know?  Along with the mental change, her eyes have also turned bright yellow and she now wears a lab coat that's obviously too big for her since the sleeves dangle five inches or more off her hands with blood splattered on the ends.

As she weaves herself through the tall trees to head towards the sound of water, the journal slips from her sleeve covered hand and it turns on the audio once it pops open, catching Naoto in mid setence] --amn thing.

After that, all that comes through Naoto's end of the journal is the soft sound of the river as she continues getting closer to it.  It's only this sound for a moment longer, then sniffling, a few hiccups are heard every now and then along with a shuffling sound over the mic, more than likely her sleeve brushing over the microphone whenever she takes a step.  When she speaks it's quite but loud enough for people to make out what she's saying...kinda.]

....I'm so lonely....I-I don't want to be alone... [She hiccups once but it slowly turns into a full on sob.  As she lets out a cry, she drops the journal and it closes, immediately shutting off the audio.  Once she manages to get back up on her feet and actually stop crying, she continues her little trip down the river.

Does anyone want to come and help the yellow eyed little lab rat find her way out of the woods?  Because she won't be getting out of there any time soon but don't expect a very warm welcome if you do decide to help.]

((ooc: And the player plot begins!  As a mallnapping effect she has returned with the personality and appearance of her shadow.  Information for it is here and the first post with the video is here.  All responses will come from invertedprince!  Oh and an added note, this is happening like around noon time so...yep.  Replies may come slowly until later today cuz my mom is dragging me out with her~)

+hubert, i am a shadow the true self, +souji, +kouki, crying like a baby like always, +ventus, remember your favorite lab rat souji and, +sora, +rise, [voice], +roji, [action], player plot, luceti, enter shadow naoto, +roxas, forever alone

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