4th Case - [Action]/[Voice]

Apr 14, 2011 13:19


[The sound of clicking is heard, it's more than likely that Naoto has no idea her mic is on right now.  The clicking stops for a moment before a snap as if something metal just shut.

Right now, Naoto is loading bullets into her gun but unless you know what loading a revolver sounds like, you're not going to know what it is.  She starts to ( Read more... )

+alexei, [voice], [action], +minato, +souji, luceti, +cam, +kouki, battle dome, +yuri

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[Action] Space time continuum fuckup #21346531 coming right up. :D' tvorcrash April 14 2011, 18:48:54 UTC
[That makes him perk up. Training...there was the draft that was brought up in the guide, so it probably wouldn't be such a bad idea to tag along. With that in mind, he'll be following you, Naoto.] Hey, hang on!


[Action] LOL fortune_prince April 14 2011, 18:52:00 UTC
[Oh look, Souji's following her. She stops and turns to look at him curiously]

Yes, Senpai?


[Action] tvorcrash April 14 2011, 18:54:08 UTC
[He'll stop as well when he gets close enough.] You don't mind if I came with you, do you? I could use a little time getting back into shape.


[Action] fortune_prince April 14 2011, 18:58:55 UTC
No, I don't mind at all. It's been a while since we last trained together.

[She smiles as she starts to walk again, come on leader]


[Action] tvorcrash April 14 2011, 19:49:21 UTC
Thanks. Hopefully they have a sword laying around where we're going.

[He'd hate to have to resort to golf clubs like last time. He follows.]


[Action] fortune_prince April 14 2011, 20:03:17 UTC
[She blinks and looks at Souji]

Have you not gotten your katana yet?


[Action] tvorcrash April 15 2011, 03:11:27 UTC
[That makes him stop.] To be perfectly honest, I'm not even sure if they'd even have it here. I didn't take it with me when I left, as far as I can remember.

[He never really had an actual use for the thing when the whole Izanami endeavor was over.]


[Action] fortune_prince April 15 2011, 03:36:23 UTC
[She stops with him] There is no doubt that they would carry your katana here. At the time, my gun was never on my person either yet I found it in the weapon store here.

[She pulls out her revolver to show him it was the same one]


[Action] tvorcrash April 15 2011, 03:52:17 UTC
[Blink blink. He stares at the revolver for a while, pondering quietly. If this was true, then...]

...Why don't we take a detour and confirm this?


[Action] fortune_prince April 15 2011, 04:26:13 UTC
[She nods. It probably would be better for him to get back his weapon]

This way, Senpai. [She leads him towards the plaza]


[Action] tvorcrash April 15 2011, 05:55:24 UTC
[He'll follow you closely.]


[Action] fortune_prince April 15 2011, 17:44:22 UTC
[Walking, walking. It takes a bit but she arrives at the weapon place with Souji. She takes him inside and glances around at all of the weapons]

There are many katana here, but I'm sure yours is among them.


[Action] tvorcrash April 17 2011, 02:36:56 UTC
[It shouldn't be that hard to find. For pete's sake, he was smacking Izanami around with the Blade of Totsuka. @_@ With a nod, nonetheless, he goes to find it.

It took him little more than a few minutes to pluck it out from the sea of katanas.] There you are...

[Blue blade, intricate and sleek design, very sharp edge...yup, this was it, alright. He can't help but feel something's different about it, though.]


[Action] fortune_prince April 17 2011, 23:25:44 UTC
[She follows him, looking at all the different katanas. Sure she's seen his katana before but it's been a while so she wouldn't recognize it right off the bat.

Once he finds it she smiles] It's been quite some time since I've last seen that blade.


[Action] tvorcrash April 18 2011, 03:26:08 UTC
[He'll be putting it away...somewhere. Where do they even hide these things anyway? Hammerspace?] Brings back a lot of memories, doesn't it?

[He'll be turning towards the door, too.]


[Action] fortune_prince April 18 2011, 06:12:14 UTC
[That's exactly where they store them ;D She nods] Indeed it does.

[And she'll turn as well, walking towards it]


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