Man, yesterday was fucking hilarious. We went to the beach and we were all stuck in between these rocks and this fucking FISH just jumps on my boogie board andis just flopping around while i'm screaming on the top of my lungs all "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD GET OFF." It was so funny. but I guess you had to be there.
Last night was awesome!
hahah. when i was drunk... Yelena made spaghetti, and I was fucking like.. so buzzed and I picked my spaghetti up with my hands and rubbed it in my face. And then like.. i went and changed, but couldn't find my pajama shit, so I put on the most random clothes to go into the bathroom and get my other clothes. like.. wtf. and then Em just randomly had ranch & salad all over her! She loves salad! hehe She can't get enough of it. and Alex was totally making fun of us the whole time.
OH DUDE. and then like.. my dad was trying to be all super cool while I was drunk and he was FREAKING ME OUT. He was all, "HEY GUYS!" Yelena and were so fucking scared. He was fucking creeping me out. I was all thinking in my head, "Why is he so scary right now? like, wow that's ugly."
but it's funny now.
mmmm I love beer.
Whatever. Here's some pictures....