Gorgeous friends only banner made by
tomycoffee This journal is F-list only.
If you want to see my locked posts, please, please comment in this stickypost, or (by my own rules!) I can't friend you back even if I know you already, and that makes me feel rude! :D
I just like to know who I'm letting into my journal - I post some fairly identifiable stuff on here, so I'm not trying to be unfriendly, in fact, I'll friend pretty much anyone so long as you tell me why I'm doing so.
All my posts come with a warning for serious angst, PTSD, depression and lately, eating disorders. I'm having a rough time of it right now so this is a place for me to vent, and if you aren't willing to see that, please don't friend me.
If I know you IRL, please never tell me that you found this. It will save the both of us a lot of embarrassment.
Posts that are to do with fanfiction etc. will always be public. If you're just looking for updates on that, friend away, and I won't mind!