Title: Stickmen!AAR
Fandom: All American Rejects
Rating: Gen
Warnings: Zombies. Vampires. Ridiculous stick people. My abysmal drawing skills.
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't know 'em, if you sue you're the one who will look silly.
Summary: In which Stickman!Mike gets lost and Stickman!Tyson has an overactive imagination.
AN: So, er, this is what happens when you put me in an achingly dull lecture about the foundation of the EU and then turn the lights out so I don't get caught. In other words, this looks as if it was drawn in the dark because some of it was. The rest of it was drawn last night whilst I was tipsy. Please forgive me. I am also very sorry if you can't read my writing - let me know and I'll translate.Thanks go to
nuclearxsquid, whose response to being shown very bad mobile phone pictures of the first part of this and asked where to go next with it was: 'ZOMBIES NINJAS PIRATES!'
Have this as cheerleading for the Secret Santa! How is everyone getting on?
Also, you guys should be proud of me. I braved the scanners and the funny looks of every single person in the computer lab to bring this to you. :D?
Here Crossposted to
aar_capslock, sorry for any spam.