9th Case - [Voice]

Jun 15, 2011 16:47


[Right now, Naoto wishes that these past few days have been a really really bad dream.  But unfortunately, they weren't and thanks to that, she's even more self conscious than usual.  Why must the Malnosso torture her?  Not to mention, her last encounter with Sora was well...not the best one so that doesn't help.  Her voice comes abruptly ( Read more... )

+roji, [voice], you didn't see anything, +hubert, tired of feeling useless, worry worry, luceti, +kouki, healing powers needed, +ventus, +roxas, +martel

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[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] perplex_me June 16 2011, 01:58:32 UTC
...Naoto, you know Sora?

He's. Well...he'll live, anyway. It's not going to be easy but Sora'll pull through like always.

Vanitas does what Vanitas does because...it's a long story. A really long story.


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] fortune_prince June 16 2011, 02:23:14 UTC
Yes, I do. [So he does know Sora]

I'm glad to hear that...[She won't say it, but she's worried as hell] His wing will grow back, correct?

Vanitas. I've heard about him before. Do you think you can summarize this story for me?


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] perplex_me June 16 2011, 11:18:41 UTC
Didn't realize that. [He does, a bit too well, even.]

It should if things work the way they're supposed to here. [He's actually not 100% sure, but it seems logical.] It's going to hurt though, I bet.

I don't know if it's really my story to tell. Sorry. But the summary is that Vanitas is just kind of a pure darkness.


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] fortune_prince June 17 2011, 02:02:44 UTC
We've only met three times.

[Makes sense to her] I can imagine it's going to hurt quite a bit. Though not as badly as it had when it was ripped off...

That's all right. By the way he was acting, that doesn't surprise me. Has he attacked any others like this?


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] perplex_me June 17 2011, 05:01:21 UTC
Still more times than I've met you.

I don't even want to think about how it felt when it was ripped off. [Especially considering the fact he probably can feel it if he tries hard enough.]

...yeah. He attacked my best friend a little while ago. And another one of my friends, too. It's like a hobby for him.


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] fortune_prince June 17 2011, 07:24:45 UTC
That is true. [Oh and she's not going to even ask about what had happened when they first met, she pretty much knows already]

I'd rather not think about it either. The mere thought of it is unsettling..

What purpose would he have for attacking so many people?


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] perplex_me June 17 2011, 14:47:08 UTC
I told you, Vanitas is pure darkness. He doesn't exactly need a reason to do what he does. Is that sad? Probably.

With Sora...it was a power struggle, I think.


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] fortune_prince June 17 2011, 17:40:41 UTC
[It's obvious that Naoto isn't satisfied with that answer] Whether he's pure darkness or not, there's always a motive.

A power struggle? Were they enemies back in their world?


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] perplex_me June 18 2011, 23:03:08 UTC
...talk to Ventus. Have you met him? He'd know more about it.

There's always enemies back home. We're all kind of from the same world...our homes are different, but a lot of us have been to the same worlds before.


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] fortune_prince June 19 2011, 04:13:42 UTC
[Jeez you both are sending Naoto back and forth between you two pfft] I've spoken with him once before. I'll be sure to discuss it with him.

So you can travel between worlds as well... You, Sora and Ventus all have that capability?


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] perplex_me June 19 2011, 23:17:37 UTC
[Wonder twin powers activate?] He knows more about Vanitas than I do. Kinda like I know about Sora more than he does.

Yes. Different methods of travel but we've all been able to at one time or another. This is just the first world all of us have gotten stuck in.


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] fortune_prince June 20 2011, 03:47:48 UTC
[Does Roxas take the form of a bucket? /shot Oh! Speaking of who should explain what, she may as well ask now but she gives a thoughtful hum in a way to acknowledge what he just said] May I ask you something? It's...slightly off topic.

[Now she's a little curious if he's turned into a lion or mermaid...or seen that whale in space. But that would be a little odd to ask about..right? Right.] I see. I thought that may have been the case, you three seem closely connected to each other some how.


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] perplex_me June 20 2011, 03:53:49 UTC
[Pfff Roxas is totally the eagle. :P He pauses when she asks that though.] ...sure. What is it?

[Luckily none of the above, but he has all of those memories and he's had his own weird experiences. At least Sora's never had a scarecrow modeled after him.] Ahaha...you could say that, yeah.


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] fortune_prince June 20 2011, 04:22:50 UTC
[Oh totally |D She pauses as well but just for a moment] Not too long ago, when I first spoke with Ven-kun, he mentioned you not being his "Nobody", what does he mean by that?


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] perplex_me June 20 2011, 05:09:41 UTC
[Man...dang it, Ven. Roxas sighs, gnawing on his lip to figure out how to explain it.]

A Nobody is basically a half of a person. In our world, it means that when someone loses their heart, a Nobody is created from the remains.


[Filtered away from Sora and from Vanitas as well] fortune_prince June 20 2011, 15:38:49 UTC
Half of a person... [Give her a second to mull that over. But why would Ven call Roxas that so randomly..unless..] Are you a Nobody, Roxas-kun?


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