4th Case - [Action]/[Voice]

Apr 14, 2011 13:19


[The sound of clicking is heard, it's more than likely that Naoto has no idea her mic is on right now.  The clicking stops for a moment before a snap as if something metal just shut.

Right now, Naoto is loading bullets into her gun but unless you know what loading a revolver sounds like, you're not going to know what it is.  She starts to ( Read more... )

+alexei, [voice], [action], +minato, +souji, luceti, +cam, +kouki, battle dome, +yuri

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Comments 170

[Action] fallenambitions April 14 2011, 17:38:10 UTC
[Someone was observing from the second floor. You get a lot of interesting people that come through the battle dome with unique abilities. Naoto wasn't one of them, at least at first. Alexei was quickly disinterested after seeing her fight with her revolver and demonstrate her physical abilities. It was nothing special until he notice she wasn't alone half the time.]

...[Was he seeing things?...Maybe he'll observe her for a little while longer]


[Action] fortune_prince April 14 2011, 17:50:34 UTC
[Of course Naoto has no idea she's being watched right now, she's more focused on the shadows around her. It brings back a sense of nostalgia for her.

For a while she fights like she's doing target practice, shooting each shadow hologram once in the head to make it disappear. But she decides its time to pull out her Persona. She stands still and aims the gun in front of her while a blue card is on the other side of it. She pulls the trigger]

Come, Yamato-Takeru! [And in front of her, a persona appears, jumping up into the air and coming back down as it stabs its sword into the ground, causing everything around Naoto get hit multiple times and disappear within a matter of seconds]


[Action] fallenambitions April 14 2011, 19:11:39 UTC
[...Now that's more like it. This child also had summoning capabilities then. Now he's more attentive on her other capabilities. She's not bad for someone her age. Wonder she'll be willing to tell him what that was she summoned.

After watching her fight a moment longer, he steps back and moves back down to the first floor. He won't actually interrupt her until she finishes her session.]


[Action] fortune_prince April 14 2011, 19:28:51 UTC
[This goes on for a bit longer. Target practice mixed along with several new abilities shown by her persona but she finds herself slowing down.

She summons her persona one more time but this time it holds its hand up to create a purple light and that light falls to the ground, exploding so all the shadows around her disappear once more.

Naoto falls on her knees once they all disappear. Damn that wore her out. She takes her hat off and rubs her forehead with her sleeve, just a 5 minute break, that's all she needs...5 minutes]


[Action] Space time continuum fuckup #21346531 coming right up. :D' tvorcrash April 14 2011, 18:48:54 UTC
[That makes him perk up. Training...there was the draft that was brought up in the guide, so it probably wouldn't be such a bad idea to tag along. With that in mind, he'll be following you, Naoto.] Hey, hang on!


[Action] LOL fortune_prince April 14 2011, 18:52:00 UTC
[Oh look, Souji's following her. She stops and turns to look at him curiously]

Yes, Senpai?


[Action] tvorcrash April 14 2011, 18:54:08 UTC
[He'll stop as well when he gets close enough.] You don't mind if I came with you, do you? I could use a little time getting back into shape.


[Action] fortune_prince April 14 2011, 18:58:55 UTC
No, I don't mind at all. It's been a while since we last trained together.

[She smiles as she starts to walk again, come on leader]


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[action] fortune_prince April 14 2011, 20:27:43 UTC
[It's been a few hours since Naoto initially started her training and she's pretty worn out so she's going to take a break and make her way up to the second floor when she spots Minato. She walks over to the vending machines and presses a button for a bottle of water]

Good afternoon, Minato-san.


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[action] fortune_prince April 14 2011, 21:26:46 UTC
Yes. It seems I'm a bit out of shape though.

[She won't mention her persona since she doesn't know that he can summon one too. Once the water bottle comes out, she grabs it and opens it, taking a long drink. Sighing when she's done, she looks at Minato]

I take you are as well? [Looking at the sword handle]


[Action] de_bel_survivor April 14 2011, 20:52:26 UTC
[Ever since the draft, Kouki have been making sure to put some time aside for training. At this point, some people already know he's not a 'normal guy', with the spells he used in the battle field.

COMP in his pocket, with the mistletoe strap attached and dangling out in plain view, he'll be on the first floor.

Hm, which demons should he fight...]


[Action] fortune_prince April 14 2011, 21:23:27 UTC
[Since Naoto has been here for a while already, she's taking a little break. She had just gotten some water and is heading back to her room when she notices Kouki with a little mistletoe strap dangling out of his pocket]



[Action] de_bel_survivor April 14 2011, 21:34:47 UTC
[He's about to head over to set the scenario, when he heard Naoto's voice. He glance over.]



[Action] fortune_prince April 14 2011, 21:42:28 UTC
[She kinda figures he's getting ready to start so she gives an apologetic smile]

I'm sorry, should I leave you be?


[Action] once_knighted April 14 2011, 21:57:50 UTC
[Yuri practically lives in the battle dome, seeing as he's there just about daily. Normally, he minds his own business while people are doing their own thing there -- even if he knows the person -- but when he notices people he doesn't expect to see in there ... that gets his attention.

So, when he happens to pass by the room Naoto is using and notices her in there, he stops, hanging by the door to watch for the moment. He's got damn near zero knowledge of firearms, but he does know enough to know that he shouldn't just stroll in when someone's using one.]


[Action] fortune_prince April 14 2011, 22:20:26 UTC
[Since Naoto has no idea Yuri is watching her from the door, she continues to shoot the shadows like it's nothing. Okay, her skills with her gun haven't changed so it's time to see if her persona ability has.

She lets the shadows gather around her for a moment before holding the gun up at a glowing card] Come, Yamato-Takeru!

[She shoots it and the card shatters only to have her persona appear in front of her. It jumps up and quickly comes back down to the ground, only to show it had cut all the shadow holograms in half in less than a second. Moments after her persona disappears, Naoto collapses onto her knees, panting. That attack took a lot of her energy]


[Action] once_knighted April 14 2011, 23:20:07 UTC
[And that right there was the second time he's seen any kind of summoning of any sort. He really can't help but stare when he sees that going on -- it's just ... different. And pretty awesome, really.

... When he sees Naoto fall to her knees, though, he makes his way into the room.]

Hey! You all right there?


[Action] fortune_prince April 15 2011, 12:33:40 UTC
[Once she hears Yuri, she jumps a little. She wasn't really expecting anyone to come in so in an attempt to show she's fine she tries to stand up] Y-Yes, I'm fi--

[But her legs give out on her and she falls back to her knees, giving a slight groan when she hits the ground. She really is fine, just using that attack wore her out for the time being] Damn...


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