Nov 09, 2010 09:28
On a happier note- it is actually autumnal here this week. Seriously. The highs have been in the mid-seventies. We have had lows down in the lower fifties some days. I've been able to leave the windows open. (Don't laugh- this is a big deal in south Florida- land of air conditioning!) Delightful!
We went to the farmers market on Sunday and picked up lots of local veggies. Tonight we're having baked eggplant stacks (eggplant, spinach, mushrooms, tomato sauce, and cheese). Last night was shepard's pie with lamb and lots of veggies thrown in. Yum!
Added bonus: pre-season basketball has started! So we can listen to the Tigers game tonight.
Extra added bonus: we've planned our Thanksgiving menu. We're doing our typical routine of spreading the dishing over the course of the day with the soup and salad for lunch (if it is just your family, try it- you won't feel so stuffed after dinner). All I can say is: Omnomnom.