i hate hypocrites and fake people. people who don't have their own personality but rather change their "opinions" and "beliefs" to suit whoever they're around.
i'm kind of bummed today for being a fuck up again. *sighs*
but otherwise life has been fuckin awesome cause i got over it.
been hanging out with the use. <3to my gansta and kristieeee.
been seeing a lot of kevin<3
and hung out with brian fuck face ;)
missing mark.
missing mike... *sighs*
vague vague vague!
i'm sorry if you thought there'd be something cool here. it is cool cause a lot of it's true but it's my birthday horoscope day thing:
like the rolling stone that gathers no moss, you tumble decisively through life's valleys and even up to the summits, a force to be recognized and admired by others who see that there's the heart of a giant behind your quiet, friendly exterior. you possess that special magnetism, good for romance, and your sense of drama lets you get your point across loud and clear, though you prefer the veil of secrecy and intrigue.
you have a distinctive appearance and don't mind sitting tall in the saddle. you're also an impresario and performer - not precise but you usually know your craft well enough. for a kick, find out how those snake charmers in india work - what's with that? you can charm your own "snakes" in your roles as a diplomat, technician or problem solver.
you enjoy the excitment that relationships deliver, never having strict or rigid inteneraries, just enoyable exploration. open-minded but not always realistic, you work well with lovers who are not static or too old fashioned, preferring spontaneous unplanned quality time and letting your relationship world spin about at its own merry pace. but once boredom settles in you're out the door! a roll-with-the-punches partner complements your inner child escapism best.
because you're more comfortable working in a world far removed from finances and harsh reality, you're not well-equipped for a carrer in which you have to manage other people's money. you're not stupid or unmotivated of course! however, your mind is strongly influenced by your imagination. don't taken on responsibilities that you know you're unqualified for. work with your strengths, don't exaggerate your shortcomings.