Another Day...erm Night...oh screw it!

May 20, 2009 04:22

Y'day wasn't quite the write-off I'd thought it might be.

Sure the day was blah-ish and I was even more so but the evening perked me up considerably.

It was perfect stormy weather last night. The lights went off, the wind was roaring and the rain was quite torrential almost for Hyderabad. Bliss!

I sat on the chaise lounge by the window, popped Fererro Rochers and walked the rains. TOops! that was supposed to be *watched*.Talk about Mr.Freud's slips :) That it was pitch black outside added to the fun tho.

My mother called a few times to remind me (for the gadzillionth time) where everything was and told me not to go walking about in the house. See, am such a klutz even during broad daylight, bumping into stuff, splitting open toenails etc that she got a lil worried about me being alone at home till Red got there. Red incidentally was on babysitting duty last night.

And what a chore that was for him, poor guy. Mom's kitchen was flooded, her bedroom was too and I was waiting for him to turn up after work and take up the mop and broom and start right off!

He couldn't even watch the IPL match for too long :o(. We ate and zonked off before 10. But I woke up as is my wont these days and started channel surfing. Watched the last few mins of CSI NY and coveted buying the entire series yet again. Then searched for movies to watch and found Meera ka Mohan starting off. Laughed at it for a little bit and heard one of Masoom's gorgeous songs for what must be a millionth time and felt very very weepy.

I decided it was time to go and start Super Pokin on FB but LJ beckoned as well and here I am.

It's still gorgeous outside right now. The breeze is starting up again. A few of the people from the neighboring houses are getting up, taking the pets for their walks...very serene.

Let's see how the rest of the day pans out. I have tremendous difficulty restraining myself indoors when such amazing weather prevails. Think I'll go and brew myself a cuppa tea and watch the sunrise today.


peanut, moi, no-sleep

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