Since a lot of you probably friended me for the Aragorn/Legolas, I figured I'd share an A/L announcement here :) As you may know, I ran some A/L groups and sites for a long time, including challenges, ficathons, and fests, but I've been retired from A/L for a while and have handed the reigns over into some very brilliant and dedicated hands. But, surprise, surprise, I'm back for a bit with a new A/L ficathon *g*
It's the *five year* anniversary of Legolas_Aragorn_Slash on Y!Groups, and that calls for something special! But hey, no worries, if you're not into Yahoo, the ficathon is going on concurrently on it's sister LJ,
legolasaragorn. It's not just for fiction though - it's for art too!
Click below for details:
Five Year Anniversary Ficathon!