Drabble: Whisper (A/L, 1/3, R, creepiness)

Sep 21, 2005 23:25

Three offerings in six months - omigod it's a Renaissance. *snort* Actually, this is just because I got drunk and horny tonight and thought of akashaelfwitch. Isn't that touching. *sporfle* But seriously, it's Akasha's birthday, and I wanted to do a little something for someone who's been a wonderful friend whom I cherish. But also, even though this is her birthday, it's not the best time of the year for her, so I thought some p0rn might cheer her up ;)

ETA: I renamed this, because who knows when I'll be inspired to actually follow this up with two more temptations :/ Grr. Damn whoring muse.

Pairing: Aragorn/Legolas
Rating: R
Status: 1/3, although this can stand alone
Dedication: for Akasha - may we have lovely slashy babies together
Archive: If you really want to archive a drabble, more power to you ;) Just let me know where.

From Aragorn's POV, sorta:


Come to me, Son of Kings, the Ring said. How easy it would be to
claim me for your own...

You'd have only to reach out your hand and run your fingers through
his hair, drag your thumb slowly across his lips, let your hand slide
below his breeches. He would draw you down between his thighs,
bliss no mortal man ever imagined.

"No," you answered.

He is not to be bought at the price of your soul, nor would you
condem him to an eternity alone, however prolonged your life with
him might be.

You love him too much.
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