Finally put my flag to good use

May 17, 2009 10:14

I'm exhausted and delirious with joy from cheering on an entire race of bicyclists.  I live at the top of two hills, you see, the lower of the two being particularly long and steep.  This was the hill that hundreds of cyclists had to climb up during the race.  When I saw that the race had begun, I grabbed my ipod speaker and flag and ran down my hill (forgetting my shoes, of course XD) and played 'Molitva' while doing flag routine and cheering. 
I'm really happy that I was able to do that, because many of the people seemed truly happy and inspired by my crazy antics xD  Just goes to show one that even the little things can really make someone's day.

But now, I need something to stop my arms from being so sore. Owwww....
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