Aug 01, 2008 08:16
Gotland, Sweden. I'm learning the language and I have friends there anyway, so I think it would be a good place for me. Plus, I hear that it has absolutely gorgeous scenery, something I don't get a whole lot of on east coast USA. I've heard that gay marriage is legal in Sweden (though I've heard other things from other sources), which may or may not be the case in my state and/or my country by the time I want to marry, so I'd definately like to get to a country that does allow it by the time I'm an adult.
Here's the main thing: I really, REALLY want to get away from the North American continent. The only other country I've visited is Canada, but that hardly counts because I could see America from my hotel room. I want to go out and see other places and explore other cultures (I'd like to try and not be the sterotypical 'uncultured American swine', thank you very much).
Sverige är en fantastisk land! Jag älskar svenskar!
writer's block