Starting this July 1st, I will be an internal medicine resident at
Memorial Health in Savannah, Georgia
Match DayGetting a big hug from my Mom after letters were opened.
Match DayLive twitter coverage, provided by both me and
Match DayI have the envelope, but have to wait for everyone to open it together.
Match DayJen, Myself, Autumn and Katie show off our envelopes. Contents: Surgery in Detroit, Medicine in Georgia, Ob-gyn in Hawaii, and Medicine in Troy, MI.
Match DayThe moment of truth. :)
It was my first choice, and Nick and I are very much looking forward to moving down after the wedding. Even though I'm going to melt in my first down-south summer!
I want to take this moment to thank everyone who helped me get here - family and friends who supported me, helped me fill my few bits of free time with joy & laughter - thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. Couldn't have done it without you.