They've been open in tabs for like, a week.

Mar 03, 2009 15:19

I should watch more TV, because more often than not this is what my brain fixates on for long periods of time:

Map visualization of the growth of Target vs. the growth of Wal-Mart.

I'm sure there's a fascinating socio-economic report to be written based on this data (obviously, by someone smarter than me.)

PS. ER is awesome. Internal Medicine is still my One Twu Wuv, but ER would definitely be the runner-up. Third would be pediatrics, because even though I love the material, I couldn't take the no-procedure, minimal physical exams aspect of psych. I take some comfort in knowing how horribly suited I would be to surgery, ob-gyn, radiology, and consult sub-specialties (cardio, GI, nephro).
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