Rules for visiting our home - actually, just the cats.

Mar 09, 2009 19:40

1. All of our cats like people. Especially people who either dislike cats, or are allergic to them. If you fall into one of those categories, a cat will probably deposit themselves as close to you as possible, and you may even be treated to a great deal of rubbing.
2. If the cats don't like you, then you probably won't be invited back.
3. No matter how much they look at you with big sad eyes, don't feed them. We promise, they get a healthy diet (as the size of our old grey girl-cat will show). They don't need your leftovers.
4. The cats are not declawed. If they claw the furniture...well, it's their furniture after all - they just allow us to live here with them. Don't scold them.
5. We do not smack our cats. Discipline comes in a spray bottle of water. Sorry if you get caught in the crossfire.
6. Our cats especially like to play with anything that they're not supposed to - like your lovely jewelry, the tassle on your purse, your boot laces, and your nose. Humor them. Eighteen pounds of unhappy cat is a lot more damaging than some joyful patting.
7. Yes, the big one is at least 18 pounds. Yes, he will let you pet his belly without shredding your arm. No, the grey and white one won't. Don't try it.
8. If you're overly concerned about the hair-free quality of your clothing, allow us to supply you with a lint brush, because that's your only recourse. We suggest wearing only clothing that matches the cats.
9. The big one only looks dumb. Trust us.
10. If you're very lucky, you might be treated to Tesla chasing his tail, Bit scratching her butt, or Galileo killing a bug. If you're family, you've seen all of those things.
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