odds, ends, & permissions

Sep 20, 2010 01:15

Birthdate: December 22nd
Astrological Sign: Capricorn, Saggitarian Cusp
Chinese Zodiac: Metal Horse (presuming born in 1990, if series start in 2006 is taken as a "real time" beginning.)
Age: 16
Eye Color: Blue
Weight: 124 lbs. // 56.25 kgs
Height: 5'3" // 161 cm
Distinguishing Marks: None visible.
Hair: Red, worn loose, or loosely tied back, or with small braids in front. Has longer bangs.
Status: Weapon // Unpartnered
Rooming: Casualty Communal, Floor One, Apartment P.
Mother: Deceased.
Father: Deceased.
Siblings: Unknown. Unlikely.
Extended family: Tomo and Tomo's father, who Mafuyu tends to think of as Uncle. In all reasonable senses, Tomo and Uncle are Mafuyu's family. She states in series that she doesn't remember her early life, before Uncle took her in.

What species is your character?


Would other characters be able to sense your character's species?

Yes. She looks human. She acts human. She is human.

Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense?

No; for all intents and purposes the game environment itself renders her entirely unremarkable. Those with Soul Perception will notice the mark related to her elemental circuit, but otherwise there's nothing to notice about her.

What does your character's soul look like?

In theory that's a look of determination. My failure in drawing it as such is mine rotfl. The mark under her left eye is the Swords Maria Elemental Circuit making itself known in one of the few ways it can/does; there's no real read off it, just that it's there.

Is it possible to read anything from your character's soul?

Beyond what someone with Soul Perception would get, not really: Loyal, Headstrong, Responsible, Determined, Caring, Emotional.

What color is your character's soul?


Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense?

Other than being a weapon in the Soul Campaign universe, no; if at any time powers are returned, those sensitive to spiritual kinds of things may pick up on her swords maria elemental circuit.

Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'?

Nope! She's pretty much a normal teenager.

Can your character's thoughts be read?

Yes. I ask you let me know (in notes, in the prose itself) before doing so in an effort to make sure I'm writing her actual thought process for your character to read, and that's about all.

Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy?

One way, yes, and if you're able to stay in her mind to hear her respond, then in that limited way, two-ways.

Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers?

If "piggy-backing" on Mafuyu's eyes is how it works, yes. Anything else just let me know specifics first; I will most likely say yes.

Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow?

If your character possesses abilities which allow them to, yes.

Is it possible to sense your character's emotions? Intentions?

Probably, if you're decent at reading people. Mafuyu's not difficult to figure out, for better or worse, in terms of intentions. Emotions might be harder to read.

Does your character have any mental walls or defenses up?

Not entirely, actually. She has reserves, and she's kind of overly focused on Tomo (saving her, having her "sister" back, things like that) and as such she's defensive of Tomo, but on her own and for her own sake, not as much.

Can your character be mind-controlled?

Yes. Run it by me first so we can discuss details/figure out what's being plotted out/etc. She's stubborn and strong willed; asking her to hurt people she cares about will be a battle.

How do you feel about 4th wall breaking?

Go ahead! Mafuyu will think your character is insane, but hey!

Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character?

Nothing she hasn't told someone ICly or hasn't come up or been brought up by other characters who'd know. (Basically about things back home. No Qwasers unless you're 4th Walling it; and then be prepared for intense curiosity as to why your character knows what they do.)

How do you feel about threadjacking?

More! Love it.

What about spamming your posts?

Also love it!

How about sudden action threads?

Seriously, still love it!

Can your character be imprisoned?

Sure, ask me first if it's not a logical consequence to in game actions! Or if you want an imprisonment plot! Or abduction or whatnot.

Is it okay to approach you about hacking private threads?

Yes. Only if things are listed as unhackable will I want you to come to me and tell me why it would be informative/fun/etc. for your character to hack it, as I will then also ask the other player involved if this is okay.

Has your character died before?


Is it okay to kill your character, given the proper discussion/circumstances?

Soul Campaign makes death permanent, pretty sure. I'm saying no under most circumstances.

How about fighting?


And kissing/hugging/falling in love?

Yes/yes/if you want to?

Let's have sex!

Why Don't coerce it! That'll end poorly? Or hilariously.

How do you feel about CR?

Want. Want want want want adore want.

So I know she's strong. What about weaknesses?

Listed in her application.

How smart is she?

Decently intelligent. No canon basis for her grades, but if she's paying attention, she does well, if not outstanding. Very focused, willing and eager to learn what she needs to in order to do her job right, and inventive when it comes to fighting.

Is she afraid of anything?

Losing Tomo. Never getting back. Learning to be okay in Death City. Technically she has a lot of fears, though most she'll try to confront on her own.


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