It's the weather!!!

Dec 10, 2004 01:56

No, it's not Scandinavia, but yes, it does get a bit depressing here occasionally, without sun... like today. So, I woke up early in the morning to a blizzard (which was great, I love blizzards!) took my shower, got dressed, etc. and went out into the city. I had promised my great-aunt that I would accompany her to the dentist, since she has trouble walking on her own -- she gets very dizzy and can fall. Because grandma Ira (yeah, I call her grandma -- it's just easier -- btw, that makes a total of 5 grandmas for me! My mom's mom, grandma Katya, my dad's mom Grandma Frida and her sister Mary, collectively known as "the grandmothers," grandma Ira, and another grandma who is completely unrelated, but whom I adopted as a grandmother, nevertheless) lives all the way across town from me (actually, it's quite funny, because she's located at the metro stop Babushkinskaya which actually means "grandmother's"), so it takes me about two hours to actually get to her house.

Of course, as soon as I walked outside, the blizzard magically stopped, leaving behind lots of cold, slippery slush. As I slush-platformed (kind of like snowboarding, except in the slush and on platform fur-lined boots, instead of a board... not quite as fun, either) my way to the metro, I was apprehended by a young policeman, who asked me for my documents. Since I didn't have my passport with me, as usual (yeah, even though technically you're supposed to have it on you at all times, I never carry mine around, since I'm more afraid of it actually being stolen from me), I was trying to figure out the best way to get out of this. Usually, a pretty smile, and an "oh, silly me! I must have accidentally left it at home, but here's my student ID" with an eyelash-flutter or two does the trick, but, bundled up as I was, I didn't think it would have done me much good. Seriously, imagine the stereotypical eskimo, sans igloo, but with Katherine's red-cheeked face, trying to smile and flutter eyelashes... yeah, not quite the same. Anyway, I got off telling him that my passport was in registration and they took the registration paper at the dorm... I did show him my ID. But he was in a foul mood and was about to demand that I come with him to the station until they could find out who I was, but then Lana saved me.

She's this acquaintance of mine who's absolutely gorgeous, very tall, model-looking, and she always wears podium-style clothing. Even today she had on cheetah-print boots with long narrow noses and 10cm high spiked narrow heels, a cute fur-trimmed, also cheetah-printed leather coat, that opened just enough to reveal the tiniest and shortest of skirts. "Katya!" she called out to me (kiss air by cheek, kiss air by cheek) "oh, who's this dashing young man?" after a desperate look from me. "Oh, I'm just here to make sure lovely girls like you two are safe!" the officer replies, still unable to take his eyes off her skirt and legs. "Well, we feel very protected, bye-now!" we say in unison and hurry off into the metro. Ah, thank goodness for hot acquaintances!

Anyway, so I got to grandma Ira's house even earlier than I had planned on, we had a lovely chat, along with some tea, then bundled up again and started on our journey. OK, well, ordinarily it wouldn't be much of a journey, since it would take me about 5 minutes walking time to get there, but walking at her pace and stopping to rest, it took us all 35min. It was sweet, though, since she doesn't have any grandchildren of her own, and she was grateful, while I was happy to make sure that she was safe, and holding her tight so that she wouldn't fall. We came to the huge "stomatological clinic" -- government funded for her district, and extremely modern-looking and feeling. Very Western-style, which impressed me. They were very efficient and quick, and we didn't have to wait long (but during the time we did, we did so comfortably, on nice modern-style chairs, with soft music playing in the background). When we got there, there were people of all ages waiting with us for that particular dentist, but when we were going down in the elevator, we stopped on absolutely every single floor to pick up more grandmas. It was like a grandma convention! I must say, though, grandma Ira was the coolest (and most sane) of them all. :) By the time we went back outside, it had started to snow these strange little and hard snowflakes that resembled sea salt more than snow, and it got very windy. In another 40 minutes we were home, I had solved the problem of the broken tape player (I unpaused it), put new batteries into the remote, and was on my way back home.

I stopped at a supermarket along the way to get some food for Toshka and myself, and came home to my waiting meowie excitedly purring and kneading me with her paws.

Anyway, that part of the day was nice, but then I thought about ballroom again (yes, I know, I know, I'll get over it soon) and realized I felt somewhat ostracized for the last couple days... anyway, it's always tough bringing up upleasant issues, and does cause temporary hostility, but usually results in an even better and stronger group... or so I hope. As I was telling a couple friends, if I don't get to be active in it next year, I'll start "The Katherine Club of Weird and Exotic Dance" (exotic meaning just that -- not stripping!), which will blend several different dance styles and include tons of my adored lifts, drops, dips, and aerials. I already have two members besides myself! ;) Ok, ok, enough silliness... Man, I know this is terribly cliche, but I just want us all to get along! (I sound like Leopold the cat in this Russian cartoon who tried to get these three mischievous mice to live with him in peace... it never semed to work :-P )
I have to say, though, even with all the (intercontinental!) drama, I really love and miss my ballroomies!

Anyway, in other quite exciting news -- I'm going to have a period of almost non-stop visitors in France! First, my lovely Georgetown roommate Lauren, then, about a week later, my wonderful high school friend Bridgie, then, a couple days afterwards, my mommy, and, finally, a whort while after that, Steve. It's so exciting!

Ok, Toshka just fell asleep on my arm, making it completely numb, and, so, I should probably wrap this up... have a lovely day, everyone!!! And a fun night, too! :)
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