Aug 26, 2010 11:04

Hello LiveJournal, my old friend.

I know I sound like a broken record, but sorry for not keeping this end updated in tandem with my usual digs. Excuse, excuse, I know, but dead seriously, things have never been crazier. So to prove my point, here's basically what's been going on:

- My good pal Joe "Sweet Rot" Simko had his long-awaited book release party/art show!
- Also, my buddy dmauro and I went to a Microsoft press thing; played some Kinect plus other stuff.
- E3 happened. Was super psyched to hear that Rez 2 was finally happening, plus am jonzing to put MGS: Rising through its paces. I also believe 3DS could be da bomb.
- Tried selling some stuff, like my top-loading NES...


- Part 1 of my New York Asian Film Fest 2010 coverage...


- Since it's been a while; some wacky pics I've collected along the way part 1...


- Random image dump part 2...


- Finally saw Faith No More Live!
- Sold my modded PS2; got to sing some Bollywood in the process.
- Used the money earned to purchase even more stuff.
- Jim Lee < <<<<<<<< my girlfriend.
- Jizzmoppa cosplay!
- And part 2 of my New York Asian Film Fest 2010 coverage (which I have yet to wrap up!)...


- Harvey Pekar passed away. Plus Rocketship closed its doors. Major bummer.
- Had a guest appearance in This Spartan Life!
- The third installment of my video game zine is now on sale at both Jim Hanley's and Forbidden Planet.
- Got my hands on the PlayStation Move and TIME CRISIS FOUR.
- Pretty much the greatest YouTube remix of all time.
- And highlights from Babycaslte's Indie Game Cosplay Music Video Shoot Machinima Dance (get all that?)...


- Katie and myself went on a double date with Colleen and Travis that ended with Pokemon Snap.
- Got a real job!
- Was asked to throw another Babycastles show...


- Hung with some pals that I rarely get to see.
- Got plenty of awesome press for FORT90 X BABYCASTLES!
- My chiptunes piece for EGMi finally went live (about damn time too).
- And started writing for the Attract Mode blog...


- The show was a smash success!
- Showed Canada's Phil Fish how we do it here in NYC. Including cable access.
- Am confirmed to be a speaker at the New York Anime Fest!
- And Momohime statue get.
- Plus Katie's print finally hit the Attract Mode store...

(did anyone noticed that I skipped a number? it's long and not even terribly interesting story I'm afraid)

- Reviewed the Scott Pilgrim movie for GSW.
- Hung with another Canadian game dude.
- Played Sonic 4.
- Saw Halo 3 & LittleBigPlanet, performed as a musical piece.
- Rocked out at the Reformat The Planet DVD release party.
- Started writing for Heavy.com again.
- Am starting up a new, secret project, which will not be a secret very soon. Hopefully.

... Still there? Good, cuz here's the real important stuff everyone:

1. Please help bring indie game goodness to Manhattan!!!

2. And please help me get to Texas so I can share my wacky internet dating hijinks, plus also maybe get a book deal in the end!!!

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