"This human reminds me of my painful experience with alcohol and candy bar."

May 25, 2010 12:42

Sup LiveJournal. Remember me?

It feels almost silly to be updating this, especially so after the fact; I'd like to think that anyone who actually follows my blog already does so and that these LJ heads ups are ultimately pointless. Then again, I am a completionist by nature, as well as highly narcissistic! So just in case, here's a checklist of all the entries posted since I last showed up. I honestly don't expect anyone to read all of this, especially in one sitting, but if it's a slow workday or something; at the very least, there's plenty of pretty pictures to scroll through:

- More about Grand Theft Auto: Jesus Christ...


- Numerous game reviews, including my early call for GOTY...


- Even though its way old news, the big FORT90 X ATTRACT MODE reveal...


- Just a bunch of personal notes.
- Plus my take on GDC 2010.
- And the usual assortment of game related randomness...


- Again way old news, but did you know that I was literally the second outlet to provide a first look at the Scott Pilgrim video game?


- Part 1 of my PAX East rundown...


- And part 2...


- My announcement that the third FORT90ZINE would not be at MoCCA Art Fest...


- My MoCCA report.
- And a talk show hosted by the lead singer of GWAR...


- Highlights from zine launch party at Babycastles.
- Along with my own birthday gathering, plus birthday loot.
- Another local game happening, this time at NYU.
- And even more random video game goodness...


- Finally, the home stretch: pretty much everything that's gone down the past 2+ weeks, including...


... Alright, all caught up now!
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