Log: Guards Aren't Supposed To Break The Dishes

May 01, 2010 11:59

Who: Dashaya, Vanissa, NPCs by T'rev: Killian (barkeep), Pella (serving girl), Guards
When: day 15, month 8, turn 22 of the 10th interval
Where: Roadside Waystation, Peyton Area
What: Dash and Niss go for a night out on the town and wind up having a somewhat less fun evening than intended when some guards swing by to do an inspection. But at least no one got kidnapped.

It's Girls night Out - or something like that. Nissa hasn't a fella on her arm anyway, so maybe she's hoping to find one here? And here of all places, where that spying went so awry. But here is where Nissa has decided to be, perhaps she's here to exercise some old ghost. Whatever the reason, the greenrider is dressed in loose blouse and flowing skirts, rather than leathers tonight. Jacket and knot are back with Laith in the clearing, but there's been no obvious attempt to hide the fact that they're riders. The clearing is a familiar place is all. As she enters the waystation, she's chattering easily over her shoulder, "Fountain's too fancy and I wanna get out. It'll be fine." So sure of that this time. Lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place. Right?

It's a relatively busy evening, there's plentiful ale out and people to drink it. THere's two card games going in opposite corners and the servers are doing a brisk back and forth between the bar and the tables. Basically looks like a good night to be out on the town, so to speak. "Riders, welcome," is the hail from the barkeep with a cheery smile of his own.

Not a fellow on her arm, but there is a Dashaya following close behind the other greenrider, her eyes narrowed faintly on the back of Vanissa's head. "Seriously, Nissa. I -really- don't think that this is such a good idea.." Discouraging as always, the woman's expression is serious, but she at least has the grace to keep her tone low and son smooth over the look with a curious one, flitting her eyes over the bar's interior. She's dressed in a like manner, wearing her favored skirts well and with a few new ribbons in her hair. She tips her head up at the hair and grants the bartender with a little smile politely.

It doesn't seem to trouble Nissa at all that their bearing easily marks them as riders. She grins at the barkeep, tosses a casual salute at the man and gives him a cheeky grin at the same time. She makes a little psh sound at Dashaya's warning, tilting her head at one of the empty tables, then the bar. "Where ya wanna sit?" For the moment she'll forego card games - she just wants to relax, have a drink, kick back. She'll watch though.

The keep nods again, swipes at a ring of condensation left behind as the two seek out seats. A few faces turn their way taking them in, and at least one holder whistles appreciatively at the attractive pair. One woman rolls her eyes at this reaction, but turns her attention back to betting on her hand of cards. Outside the sound of hoofs approaching on the road isn't uncommon, though the barkeep looks up with a keen look to him, head cocked and there's subtle tension in the line of his shoulders.

"The wall? Oh, there." The faint lift of her brows indicates some seats down the bar near the wall way over there that will give a great view of the interior, the greenrider looping arms with Nissa and guiding her over that way without much time to get a protest in there. At least it's kindly done! Apparently the Peyton daughter has learned a thing or two about being cautious out here in waystation land. Settling in her seat, Dashaya glances for the source of the whistle and winks in that direction. "Whatcha in the mood for?"

Vanissa lifts her chin in a 'hey there' gesture at the whistling holder, a smile tossed his way for good measure, but that's all he gets for the moment. She's a mite more cautious than in past times, it seems. Finding her arm linked, she allows herself to be towed over to Dashaya's spot. "Works for me," she tells the other greenrider, plopping easily into the seat nearest the wall, leaning back against it to keep the room in sight. See there? She'll have to get past her wingmate to get in trouble tonight. "Ale," is her prompt reply to the question of drinks.

The hooves outside come to a stop and there's a sound of jingling tack and booted feet hitting the ground. There's subtle movement behind the bar: one of the serving girls just took down a couple of bottles and is taking them away somewhere in the back. Another is making her way over to the riders with a pleasant smile. "What'll it be ladies? A spot of drink? Something to eat?" She looks up though as the shadow of a couple of tall man blocks the fading evening light in the doorway. Guards, dressed in distinctive cloaks with the badges of their unit displayed on uniformed shoulders.
Logfile from T'rev.

Dashaya happily takes her time in setting herself between her friend and any danger and settles her skirts around her seat with a holder's grace, resting her arms on the edge of the counter. "Make it two for ale then, please," she notes to the bartender casually and casts a lingering eye over the card tables, as if to see what game they've started in on, and at what stakes. "Busy night. Could probably make a few marks, if you're in the mood." Absently offered to Vanissa, though her tone becomes derailed a little when a few shadows draw her attention to the door. C'mon, the former guard in the girl can't mistake that anything -but- for what it is. "Uh.." Quietly.

"Maybe," is Nissa's reply for mark-making. She's busy scanning the place to see who all is here tonight. Hoofbeats and tack jingling don't catch her attention right away - those are familiar enough sounds to someone raised at a waystation. She isn't one used to guards of any sort, however. Oh, there've been some at the gathers, but with all the music, dancing, cute guys to watch then dump, well... she's been too busy to notice them. So when she looks up to see those be-cloaked guards in the doorway, her expression is none other than pleased. She leans forward to tap Dashaya's shoulder with her finger, speaking lowly with a girlish squeal, "He's -cuuuute-!"

There's a fair few broad shoulders in the group of guards, yes. Because it is in fact a group, not just two. The first pair make their way up to the bar, the other three casually roam the room and one lingers near the door. "Evenin' gents," is the barkeep's greeting. "Bit of ale to wet your whistles?" Brows up and trying to look relaxed. "Ale's good," the 'lead' guard answers and pulls up a stool, perches on it and leans an arm on the bar, scans the room while his companion sits too. "Busy night. How's business been?" It's a casual enough question. "Doin' all right," is the answer while the 'keep draws the ales. "Two ales, comin' right up," is also the answer for Dash and Niss from their server who heads up to the bar where the second guard promptly loops an arm around her waist. "Hey there sweetheart. And how's /your/ business been?" She giggles and lowers her lashes coyly, gives his arm a pat. "Oh, peachy, just peachy. Especially when nice strong young men like you come around!" Sounds like pretty typical bar-side flirting.

"Cute?" Dashaya blinks once and turns her head back to Nissa to see what she's looking at. "Huh? Oh. Oh! Yes." She gives in a minute to look over the guards again more critically, and not just the stature and outfits. "Oo, look at that one!" She rumbles it quietly and nods her head slightly at the indicated one. Hey, he's cute. "Do you think they're from the hold?" She's whispering now, but her smile returns for the server, leaning back in her chair.

"Don't those badges," Nissa's index finger is pointed at the shoulder of the nearest guard and wriggled in what could be misinterpreted as a come-here gesture, "say where they're from?" Hold is a good guess, though because she adds, "We didn't employ guards at Big Tree." Hazel eyes slide over to the bar where their drinks are being delayed by one of the guards snagging their server. A casual lift and fall of her shoulders caps her attention to that; the ale will come when it comes. Meanwhile, she lifts a brow at the guard by the door. Leaning to ask Dashaya, "Why don't he come in?" Obviously she supposes they're all off-duty and here for a drink.

The badges do seem to have Fort's symbol on them as the flirty at the bar goes on and the trio amidst the tables ambles around, pausing to check out the card games. Door-man there just leans against the door-frame in fact, arms folded across his chest. He smiles at Nissa briefly when she turns his way, but then it's all business and looking around the room again. "No problems with anyone?" the lead guard is asking the barkeep. Still all friendly-conversational.

"I can't really see. Our dear server's in the way," is Dashaya's reply, though she can't really say much on the other badges. Badges? We don't need no steenking badges! The leader's questioning makes her squint a little to see more clearly, and it seems to answer her question, resettling herself with a hint of a more relaxed-but-watchful stance in her chair. "Mm, maybe he's trying to stay away from the drink. Some think alcohol is horrible, you know." Matter-of-factly.

Maybe it is that. He doesn't want a drink. Nissa's willing to buy that, her eyes still on 'door-guard' over there and when his smile wanes, she pouts. "Nah, they're working, I'll betcha." Her elbow is braced on the bar, chin in hand as she idly watches them wander. To some it might be a little dampening, but she's relaxed enough. Hey eye candy and all that.

"Nope, none in a while, not since last turn," the barkeep says with a shake of his head. "Really?" the guard now, eyeing the barkeep a little askance. "Because we heard differently. Could be you've made a deal hm? To be doing so well." The barkeep lifts his head from the glass he's been wiping down and fixes the guard with a steady look. "If we're doin' well it's because you all and Peyton's guard and the Weyr've been doing a good job patrolling. Means people aren't scared of the roads anymore." The lead guard rolls his shoulders and then gives a signal with one hand. "Well then you won't mind if we check out the place, right?" The barkeep takes a deep breath and frowns a little. "Now hold on, it's prime busy time right now. Can't this wait until it's slower?" The guard gives him a withering look. "Why? Are you afraid of what we mighth find and what they all might see?" Frusrated the barkeep shakes his head. "No, but it's not good business." The guard makes a little snorting sound. "Your business'll be just fine as long as you're on the up and up." And the other guards and pulling in, the one at the bar releasing the server which means the girls will be getting their ales soon. They spread out along the bar, the flirty one standing tall and looking a bit threatening as the others start to look around the room and two push around behind the bar to check the kitchen and stores.

"Aww, doesn't that just figure?" Dashaya makes sympathizing sounds as if it really does disappoints her just a little, but as conversation drifts a little more their way, she glances toward Nissa with lifting brows. "Well, there ya go. You're right." As innocently as the day is long, she crosses her legs under her chair and purses her lips in a considering look, watching the server as if waiting for their ales, when really, she's watching various reactions to the ones prowling about.

The disagreement behind the bar can't help but gain attention being that it's so close. Nissa's brows inch up as the back and forth continues, eyes bouncing back and forth as if she's at a terran tennis match. Nowhere near as subtle as Dashaya, there's a little frown of concern on her lips. She'll ask someone who knows and since Dashaya is a former guard, "Can they... do that?" This as two guards head into the back. Perplexed, she wonders aloud, all very quietly of course, "Why don't they take his word for it?" The intensity of her gaze it on Big and Tall Guy over there, brows lowered over a near glare. She's all but forgotten the prowlers.

There's other murmurs throughout the room as the guards head into the back, heads ducking close and eyeing the guards. The mood in the room shifts from cheery to uneasy pretty quickly. There's the sound of things being moved, boxes opened and then some breaking glass that makes the barkeep flinch. "If that's my good brandy, I'll need that paid for," he tells the lead guard who gives him an impatient wave. "I'll report it up and the pay'll come from the Hold." Mostly conciliatory. Two of the patrons get up to leave though, looking uncomfortable and the guard at the door steps in front of it. "And where are you off to in such a hurry?" The pair of holders eye the guard, disconcerted. "Home - done with our beers," the fellow says and gestures towards empty mugs on the table. "Right, and where's home?" There follows some back and forth as the pair are grilled for their origins and nature of the holding and so on, though the guard finaly lets them go.
Dashaya's eyes swing back sharply at Nissa's assessment with a downward turn of her lips. "Come on, Nissa. You can't be this trusting." She whispers it quietly with a quick but full frown at the woman. "Because. People. Lie. And Bad Things happen. Remember?" Laying this out neatly, she turns back to watch out of the corner of her eyes, the frown all but gone with a casual curling of her lips in thought. "Besides, they just did. Who's going to stop them?" Seriously.

"I'm not," Nissa hisses back at Dashaya, keeping her voice low lest she be overheard by the guards that she's still keeping eyes on. "But it's -his- place." Glass breaking has her nearly rising, "That's- they can't just-" sputter sputter from the ex-waystation girl who has a different perspective on it. "If they have no proof-" It's nearly a growl and it's likely she's thinking of her Gramps and Big Tree being treated this way.

There's more sounds from the back and the noise in the common room has pretty much stopped. Everyone's quiet and kind of ... waiting. The barkeep's mouth is set in a grim line as it sounds like something else falls, but doesn't break. There's a an 'Aha!' from the back and a dull thud. "Trap door boss!" is called out and the lead guard is looking at the barkeep again. "That's our /cellar/," he enunciates clearly. "Cold storage." Boots go thumping on stairs and the sounds die out. A few more minutes pass and the guards re-surface, heads shaking. "Other than these two bottles of Bitran stuff, looks normal," and the bottles are set down on the counter. "Bitran. Hm. When did you get these and from whom?" The leader to the 'keep. And one of the guards is eyeing Nissa now when she almost stands.

"Maybe they do have some. Or they're suspicious. Who knows." Dash glances up at the girl when she rises, though she has been wincing a little at breakage. Loud sounds, man. "What are you doing? Down! Sit down." There is a reason that Dashaya's allowed herself to be placed between Vanissa and the rest of the bar, and it comes out now, her hand catching her friend's arm to pull her back into her seat.

Vanissa flumps back down, although it is only a matter of a couple of inches, really. Though what exactly she was about to do is anyone's guess. Likely she didn't even think about it. "Maybe..." she will admit the possibility of that, grudgingly. Now that the back is quieter, her eyes sweep the room, rebellion in every line of her posture. The guard looking at her is noted and she glares back at him, but she has the sense to sit still at least. The question of Bitran booze causes another near sputter from the greenrider, who leans over to murmurs sarcastically in Dashaya's ear, "What's wrong with Bitran booze? Any rider could have delivered that."

Her glare earns her an 'oh really' kind of look from the guard and his eyes hold hers for as long as she looks at him. The barkeep sets down the rag he's been using and the glass, steps over a little, reaches under the bar which sees the guards reaching for the hilts of their swords, but all that surfaces is ... a ledger. Thump. Down on the bar. And then the barkeep flips open the pages, goes back a little ways and reads out very clearly: "Four bottles o' Bitran brandy traded in exchange for three nights' stay and care of beasts by the Suvira tradin' clan." He flips the book around for the lead guard to read. Waits. The guard sits there for a moment frowning down at the words then nods. "We'll be checkin' in with the Suvira when we find them." And he signals the rest of the guards to leave off. "Thank you for your cooperation and if you have any problems, please don't hesitate to call on us. It's what we're here for." The price of the drinks ordered but not finished is left on the bar and then group starts to pull together to leave.

"Or any traders that come up from that region," Dashaya utters in return with a faint tip of her head, though she's less sarcastic and more considering, amber-brown eyes regarding the guard looking at her friend. "Stop that. Calm down. I want to see what's going on." Oh, look, she was right about the traders. And then it ends, like that? "Well.. that was interesting."

Vanissa's eyes narrow slightly at the guard as if to say, 'yes really' although she well knows there's not a thing she can do about anything, even if it was warranted. "Little jumpy ain't they," it's a chuckled laugh under her breath in Dashaya's ear, but only when said swords don't come flashing out of those scabbards. More muttersputtering at being told to calm down and she's watching the guards pull out warily. "Hope they ain't doin' this all over Pern. I know the raiders're bad, but..."

"Be sure to do that," the barkeep says with a nod to the lead guard. "And if we hear of any raiders in the area, tell you straight up. We're not going to be harborin' any of those bastards." The guard nods back, though he regards the barkeep suspiciously for a moment for that statement. "We'll be by, the usual time next seven." And then they really do step out. There's an almost palpable sense of relief and a lot of people relaxing and the buzz of conversation picks back up again. The barkeep sighs and flips his ledger closed, puts it away. "Dammit. What'd they break this time, Pella?" One of the serving girls takes a look through into the back and makes a face. "Syrup for the sweet drinks, Killian. At least it /wasn't/ the good wine this time. Though it's going to take a day to mix up a new batch of that." Oh? It's not the first time this has happened?

Dashaya furrows her brows and lowers her voice to Nissa. "Usual time next seven? If they say they're coming back and when.. why do they expect to find something that day?" Twitching her nose, she folds her arms on the counter. "Yeah, jumpy. But.. I can see why. Doubt it's all over Pern. But.." Pause. "They usually break things when they come by?"

The greenrider's eyes are on the folks behind the bar. "Kinda heavy-handed," Nissa observes with a bewildered head-shake in reply to Dashaya about the guards appointment-making a recheck of the place. "Doesn't make any sense to me them sayin' that, unless he was bein' smart and plannin' to come by whenever." She ponders things for a few moments, mulling over events in her head adding, "Maybe this is why the raiders aren't showin' themselves lately."

"They don't always come on the days they say," a voice interrupts. Pella, who's got a bucketful of sticky shard and a sour look on her face. "And they /are/ heavy-handed, but we haven't seen any raiders which is a good thing. So they have to be doing their jobs right. I just wish it didn't come along with broken things. I mean, come on, just because the Weyrleader's sister got kidnapped here doesn't mean we were in league with the shardin' raiders." She squints at the two riders and puts the bucket down, leans against the bar. "You look familiar. Have I seen you in here before?"

Dashaya doesn't so much jump at the new voice as turns to see who's encroached on their seat, leaning her arm on the back of her chair to shift her position. "'Course they don't." Casually. "They look like they like keeping people on their toes. 'Least they didn't look like they were so heavy-handed with your people, as they were with the goods. Shame to put more work in front of you like that, replacing what they broke. But maybe it'll keep the raiders away." She tips her head at the latter and shrugs her shoulders carelessly. "Doubt it. Ain't been to a bar in a while. Have we?" Her dark eyes shift to settle on her friend steadily and back.

The greenrider nods a reluctant agreement - it is good not to see any raiders, but her eyes plainly tell of her doubts about the way it was gone about. Have they seen her before? A weak laugh from Nissa with a casual hand-flap of dismissal precedes, "Ohhh I- Would you believe I get that alllll the time at gathers? I must look like a lot of folks to hear that." Of course it's from males that she hears it, but does Nissa set her straight on that? Nope. And to her credit, she manages not to go all shifty-eyed when she says it. "I haven't been to a bar outside the weyr in... quite awhile." Bright smile. Don't ask her when ohpleaseohpleaseohplease.

Pella is frowning a little as the pair disclaim coming by before. "Oh well, you know a lot of people come through here." Her shoulders lift, drop. "At any rate, I guess a few broken bottles now and then isn't too high of a price to pay to be safe. I mean shells, who wants a reputation for being unsafe, right?" This as she pulls a rag from her apron and starts wiping down the counter where there's some leftover rings from other people sitting there. "And some of them are nice to look at. That one by the door? Great hair. I guess it's just part of the job to be kind of ... imposin'."

Dashaya frowns a little at Nissa where Pella can't see through the fall of her hair, but it's with a calm look that she continues on. "Yeah. Though doubt anyone's started to think a'this one as unsafe. granted how busy it was in here. Before.. well, that happened." She leans forward slightly with a conspiratorial grin for Pella and Vanissa. "They were kinda cute. Pity, if they's the reason for one so cute being a little.. stand-offish. Though, if it pays well enough, can't really fault 'em for that. Off-duty, maybe.." Girl-gush. Very not like the proper sex-is-bad holder Dash.

Little 'what?' sort of look is given to Dashaya for that frown before Nissa is nodding assurance to Pella in agreement to lots of folks coming through. Brow furrowing slightly, "Now and then? How often do they... come by to check you out?" Her wingmate gets a double take for her gushing. She lifts a hand as if to feel her forehead for fever, but doesn't quite go that far. "You feelin' alright, Dash?" As for hair... "What color was it?" She asks Pella curiously. She was busy noticing other aspects, apparently.

"Like he said, they come by once a seven to check in and sometimes they show up out of the blue like tonight," Pella answers Nissa and shoots Dashaya a little grin. "Mm, business has been pretty good for the last few months. More traders moving about and the holders pokin' their heads up more too." Pella dimples a little though at the questions about the guard. "And that tush huh. Must be all that workin' out. Really dark that one, with the little wave to it." She mimics a sweep across her forehead.

Dashaya starts to bat at her wingmate's lifting hand and rolls her eyes at her. "What? Don't give me that look. I'm allowed to look at men." She turns back and kicks her foot under her chair absently, in tume with some unheard song, perhaps. "Guess people feel real safe, if they're out more than usual. Ooh, the cloaks obscured them a little from me, but they're all built nicely like that one? Is it always the same group?"

Vanissa fingersnaps at Pella's mentioning of tushes. "I missed that." Genuine regret colors her voice. "I was looking at his face." She was!!! "And his shoulders." She'll just stop right there. Dashaya's protest draws a laugh, "Could do more than just look if ya wanted to." But the former guard is asking intelligent questions of Pella and since she can't seem to think of any herself, she'll listen to the answers.

"Mm, they don't always have the cloaks on and the rear-end view is /damn/ fine," Pella says with a little giggle and finishes wiping up the bar. "Need refills on those?" A nod the beers. "And /I/ wouldn't mind a little bit more than lookin' myself," she confides to Nissa with a wink. "If they'd be a littttle more careful with the merchandise."

"What sexy shoulders those were," Dashaya rumbles with a little roll of her eyes in pleasure. "Mmm, I wouldn't much mind a little more than looking. Might be worth popping back by, if just to see a cute rump. Oh, yeah. I think that we'd have to catch them off-duty. See how they.. really are. Though, some of that imposing-ness was a little cute, too. When they're not being so heavy on the goods."

Vanissa grins at Pella, about to nod for a refill when Dashaya swoons about sexy guards. So much for intelligent questions. Her eyes drop to the glass, perhaps remembering another time when one glass should not have done what it did, but surely with those guards. Nah. Her wingmate is eyed. "I think it's time we get back to the Weyr. Getting late Dash." She's going if nothing else, sliding the marks to cover both ales over the counter to Pella and rising. "Coming or staying, Dash?" This as she heads for the door; she'll wait if the other rider is coming, but go on home if she's going to linger. Pella gets a little wave before she steps out.

"Mhhm, probably a lot more fun when they're not on the job. After all, they're just men under those uniforms," Pella points out with a devilish grin. The refusal on the refill earns an accepting nod and the payment is drawn across the bar, the tip portion slipped into her own pocket. "Clear skies and come back again sometime. The scenery is usually here on fifth days."

"Men, men, men. Such fun creatures." Dashaya rolls her eyes again - this time at Nissa with a grin flashed her way. "Chicken. All right, fiiine, I'm coming." She starts to rise herself and adds another part to the top portion, flaring her fingers in a little wave at the server. "Ooh, I'll remember that. Thanks." She's going. Soon out of the door, she catches up to Vanissa and starts on the way back.

@peyton hold, dashaya, npc-killian, npc-pella, *enforcers, vanissa

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